Why a Website is Important for your business in 2019?

It is already 2019 and you still do not have a website? You are losing out of profits because a major chunk of the world’s population has gone highly mobile and everybody is using computers for a long time. If you wish to take your business ahead, you simply cannot survive without a website. These days’ businesses that do not have a website or social media presence are not considered as genuine or up to the mark. Businesses of all sizes and types must have an online presence and a proper strategy. There are many small to mid-sized businesses that consider the trade an entirely offline thing. They try all types of traditional promotional ways to get in touch with the customers. But why don’t you try to attract customers because they are spending maximum time online?

A website is a pure business tool and the web can play a major role in building an offline relationship as well. You do not need a huge budget or dream of unusual profits; you will slowly start reaping the benefits. So, along with marketing here are rewards for you, take look:

Greater Accessibility

The aim of having a website is to give wings to your dream by spreading your business. Accessibility is all about letting people interact with you about your business at any time, 24/7. You do not have to present on every online channel, you just need a website and chose your target audience wisely. Initially, you can have a website that is easy to navigate and looks simple yet so professional. It should be more like a booking tool where customers can get in touch with you, the website should act like a 24/7 receptionist. Your aim is to connect with the users and if you are getting your website designed by technology experts, it would be mobile responsive. You can never miss the opportunity of earning new leads. This will also help your website to rank high on search engines, people would find you a lot easier and Google will be impressed too.  A mobile-responsive website is also very important for email marketing, it is important if you are seriously planning ahead for inbound marketing. For all that you need to hire the Web development company in Bangalore.


No business can go ahead without professionalism and having a website is the first sign of professionalism. A website adds authenticity to your business, it becomes more genuine. This is why it is very essential to have a professional and smart website sans gimmicks.

Showcase your skills in form of content

 When you have a website, you have a purpose in mind mainly conversions and better business. Users would love to see and know more about your product/services and a website is the best to let them know. When you have a site, you can add engaging content. You can have a case studies section and post all very crisp and relevant information, product details for the users. Statistics show that by 2019 and 2020, more than 2 billion people would be buying goods online. A business that is into regular blogging definitely receives more leads. Your aim is to have loyal customers and make the most of them.

It’s your portfolio

Your website is your online portfolio for your services and products. In this fast life, businesses find it very difficult to showcase their work. Clients can be a better understanding of your business just by looking at your website and it would also enhance credibility.


The internet is so globalized that it can open up a huge client pool and also give you your target audience. Now that you are planning to take your business to the online arena, you need to create the perfect online presence. Entrepreneurs are busy looking at all the aspects of the trade, it’s a tedious task to manage an in-house team, therefore think of outsourcing. Bangalore is an information technology hub and there are so many web development companies located in the Silicon Valley of India. It’s not very easy to choose the website development companies in Bangalore but that’s something you must do before handing over your project. Ask people, ask old clients and look for recommendations. Look for a company that has an impressive testimonial of designing websites similar to your requirements. You need some serious experts to get an impressive website done; you need to look into the budget part also.

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Why Your Website is Losing Attention and How To Prevent it?

Are you losing out visitors to your website? Your business site is not getting enough attention? You are very upset because you had an excellent ranking and you were receiving a lot of relevant traffic that was even generating leads, emails, phone calls, emails, and sales. But suddenly your website is not getting attention and you are alarmed. Now you check your ranking to see that it has seriously gone down. You don’t need to panic because a web development company in Bangalore can definitely do something about it.

The reasons why your website could lose attention?

A lot of people contemplate that website creation is simply a design but a genuine design has a specific discipline and a lot of perfection. Apart from design, catchy and proper content placement also plays a very important role. Take a look into the details of why your website is losing attention and how you can get rid of it:

1. Outdated design

Every book is judged by its cover, its true for even for websites. Visitors do not tend to visit a website that has old design format because they find the design uneasy. As a solution, you can opt for a facelift from a professional website design company. These days there is no space for basic HTML designs, you need to implement the best knowledge to design an appealing and technically strong website.

2. Content is improper

Content is king and the kingdom depends on the ruler. Web design is not only about pixels, images, colors, and high definition graphics. Content, the kind of text also plays a major role. Too much or too little content is not acceptable, try to fit optimum content and it should have a quality. Content that would be placed must not have typos and grammar errors. Use professional and larger fonts so that people find it easy to read.

3. The navigation structure is not clear

Visitors have to land on a website and keep looking for a piece of information. There are websites that are so complicated and the navigation options are not user-friendly at all. Bad navigation repels visitors and is also harmful to SEO. The best thing to sort out this issue is to hire the best team of designers who have knowledge about it. The designer must keep himself in the visitor’s shoe and then create a user-friendly navigation. Consider the user needs and restructure the navigation.

4. Your website depends on old plugins

Visitors do not have the time to install outdated plugins to read the sales content. It’s best to use HTML 5 for all animations and videos so that users get an all new and better experience. There would be users who would not watch the videos, for them add a transcript, a summary, and notes.

5. Auto-play videos in your website

Visitors generally tend to click the ‘Back’ button when they come across an auto-play video. Then this is definitely something that repels visitors. In today’s time, people enjoy freedom and flexibility, they would like to choose what kind of content they would access and consume.

6. Obtrusive registration requirements

Gated content definitely helps to drive sales but restricting the registration requirements directly affects, lowering the conversion rate. While creating the registration, judge whether the fields you add are necessary or not.

7. A slow loading website is unacceptable

The world is fast and it’s getting faster day by day, therefore a slow loading website would lose out relevant traffic. Most of the consumers wait for 2 seconds for the website to load and they abandon a site that takes more time. If your site is facing the issue, work on and optimize the page loading time.

8. Call-to-action missing

According to a research it has been seen, almost 80% of normal B2B websites miss the call-to-action button. This is all about not mentioning about the sale and it definitely repels visitors. It is important to prompt your customers to take an action and this can be done with a compelling call-to-action button.

Final words

Some of the other reasons are not using the ‘exit intent’ technology, the website is not responsive, your content fails to live up to the landing page promise and product benefits are not clear. Now that you know the reasons why your website is not getting enough populated, you need experts to work on if your site is facing any of the issues. There are so many reputed web design companies in Bangalore that offer all types of the solution including redesigning. Make sure your website is in expert hands.

How to create the best design for smartphone users

One should be aware of the technicalities related to hardware and software of the smartphones before attempting to go for designing of smartphones. According to website design and development company in Bangalore, the experiences of the users are directly influenced by the offers provided by the designing. Greater the knowledge you have regarding the device, the larger will be your ability to use various different features present in our device with much ease and fun.

Smartphones have earned a commendable importance being the most famous device with internet access in no time. This has offered bigger job opportunities to jobless people who can earn by developing mobile apps and websites etc.

Let us look at some of the best features for designing a smartphone which are mentioned below:

1. The software development

It is usually done with the help of two types of operating systems i.e. Android and iOS. The Android has been considered as the topmost used operating system for smartphone and it has been becoming better for years. On the other hand, the iOS is surely for the Apple iPhones users, therefore, it is more expensive to use.

2. Hardware development

The functioning of a smartphone resembles much like that of a computer but in a shorter form. The smartphone is composed of the similar parts as that of computers like memory and various processors. The smartphone has certain specific systems of hardware which cannot be found in computers. Let us look at some hardware components which a designer must always consider while designing a smartphone which is as follows:


While framing a design for touch screens, two important things must be kept in mind. Firstly, the touching sensitivity which is essential for resistance to harmful environmental conditions and also is responsive to touch. The screen also determines the thickness of the phone. Secondly, the resolution quality seems to be an important feature which is linked to the consumption of power.

GPS (Global positioning system)

Almost all the smartphones, except exceptionally lower budget phones, comprise chipsets of GPS which provides the information regarding the location of the smartphones but the accuracy might vary. Therefore, designers have to look for the location providing services for some items.


It is not a compulsory feature of all the smartphones. Its major function is to access the movement speed of the mobile phone and account for the direction of the movement of the smartphone. You are well aware of this feature if you have downloaded a health-related application in which the function of a pedometer is very common.


The o-board cameras are the most commonly present feature in all the smartphones available in the market. The quality of the camera may vary within different smartphones according to the budget range of the customer. The camera quality can be accessed on the basis of two components- resolution and availability.

Heart rate monitor function

Those designers who are putting more focus on health applications for smartphones are recommended to design a heart rate monitoring function in the smartphone.

Fingerprint sensing

The fingerprint scanning option is the most prevalent features of the upcoming smartphones nowadays. The technological advancements have led to the discovery of recognizing the user by fingerprints. It is very much appreciated by the users.

The icons formation

The designing of icons should be done in such a way so as to avoid the complicated symbols and labeling of the icons must be easy for the understanding purpose of the user and also, the size of the icon should be taken into consideration as the extra small icons are inconvenient to use. You can hire the Mobile Apps Development in Bangalore for designing the mobile apps and websites.


We should always keep in mind all the age groups of the population while designing a smartphone because the elders face more difficulties while operating a complicated smartphone and the features should be designed in such a way that the smartphone must actually be purposeful for them. The best designer is the one who keeps in mind both the physical as well as psychological characteristics of the users in mind while creating a smartphone.

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The Ultimate Guide to Increase your Conversions with Dynamic Content

New technologies are now aiming to customize the online experiences of the customers keep in mind their preferences and requirements. This is now shaping the digital marketing arena recently, experiences related to individual viewing are so important now. Most of the time, terms like recommendations and customization are linked to these techniques. Basically, the science is about altering and displaying dynamic content, related to user signals. Dynamic content gives better conversion as it makes customer experience intuitive and relevant. Majority techniques function by taking off lots of useless information made available to the visitors. Users can become more logical in their discovery process.

You must also note all technologies and tools mentioned do not need advanced data analytics functionalities. Generally, they need a structured and well-maintained customer database. This is the reason why dynamic contents are most of the time:

  • Are extensions, basic parts or even plugins of a CRM

  • Connected to a CRM via API

  • Assemble different databases which can be integrated with a CRM or even not connected to. These databases collect user data automatically

How to increase your conversions with dynamic content

Here are the 5 best ways to do so:

1. Personal recommendations that are data driven

In all these years, recommendation engines attained much priority, mainly Netflix, Amazon and other big houses that craft personalized content. You must know that recently Netflix took an estimate of their recommendation system and it’s worth a $1 billion every year. The ‘recommendation box’ from Amazon is also superb as they take users through buyer’s journey seamlessly. Basically, recommendation systems are not only used in E-commerce but also travel websites, content portals and dating sites. The thumb rule is if a website features and also sells any particular thing in abundance, the business can prosper from utilizing a recommendation system. These engines are the mastermind behind the dynamic content. SaaS solutions are coming up so that businesses can earn more profits from recommendation systems. There are 3 kinds of tools that rely on the heaviness of resource and depth of integration and the expenses:

  • E-commerce plug-ins and add-ons

  • Customer Integrated Systems

  • Self Service Systems

2. Better website search with dynamic content

Search is now a very important element of navigation and the kind of website search can have an effect on the conversion rates. Dynamic content is a good choice; it has the power to optimize your site search so that you gain more conversions.

3. Dynamic banners

Are you feeling low because a user has left your website? You have put in so much effort and time to optimize user journey so why would you quit? Dynamic banner ads are the border of dynamic content, mainly used to keep up the steadiness of experience also after a visitor leaves a website. These basically come with retargeting, a fine alternative to static banners and clumsy text. These ads are not displayed on the website but mainly in other offsite channels. It’s a great way to boost conversions.

4. Call-to-actions that are dynamic

The call to action button plays a very crucial role in any online business; it establishes a direct connection between the business and the customers. Customer relations with CTA forms allow subscriptions, conversions, form submissions and more. It’s basically about user actions that are measurable and valuable, it contributes to sales activities. Dynamic CTAs restructure user journey right from primary interaction to conversion.

5. Witty pop-ups

The intelligent pop-ups show up dynamic content on the basis of more number of ad-hoc signals like the time spent on a specific page. A properly timed subscription form, a discount offer or a small reminder about the items lying in the cart can save conversions. This is about reacting at the right time. There are conditions relying on which these pop-ups can have dynamic content, like referral source, geo-location and different levels of engagement.


There are more tools that help to utilize dynamic content for boosting conversions by designing an instinctive and meaningful UX. Al you need is to hire a premium web designing company in Bangalore. This piece is a must read for all marketing experts who wish to utilize dynamic content or improve their current practice. The abundance of customized technologies and dynamic content are two best and the most exciting features of online marketing. So, start investing in dynamic solutions with Nexevo Technologies.

What are the Benefits of Google Lighthouse for Web Developers

Lighthouse is a tool that developers can use for testing and enhancing performance of the web pages and applications. Web design and Development Company in Bangalore use this tool as it acts as an auditing rule that helps in increment the nature of pages and applications. The four key areas to be audited are performance, transparency, accessibility and growing web applications. It gives us the prediction if possible user experience.


Lighthouse is too flexible to use. The most appropriate usage of Google lighthouse is through chrome augmentation that empowers the product managers and quality assurance teams to effectively comprehend the performance of the given website. This makes the performance the primary concern for the groups and helps to reconcile the interest of groups. There are various listed benefits of Google lighthouse for web developers discussed here. Have a look:

Lighthouse gives noteworthy execution advice

Creating examination programs can prove to be unsuitable as data spat out an assortment of order line devices and can be difficult to process. Luckily, lighthouse provides with complete measurements and report with some particular DOM components, CSS selectors or foundation setup. You don’t need to rely upon the unknown tools and lighthouse can be approached for the purpose.

It measures website speed

Lighthouse is a tool that also determines the website speed. To measure the site speed is very essential as people nowadays are more mobile users and less desktop users. Also, they are less patient and demands quick speed of the website. They don’t prefer to wait for the sites that are too slow. Therefore your site and applications speed should be high so that it will get up rank on the Google.

It determines users perception

Lighthouse tool helps to measures the user perception of your web site or application. It determines the situations and conditions in which the users use your applications and it overviews the actual users of the site. It shows a complete record of the user engagement with the website and application. It portrays a complete picture of accessibility, functionality and quickness of the sites or apps.

Beneficial for SEO Life

Lighthouse helps in enhancing engines optimization. Google has a common functionality and utilize similar measurements methods for ranking search engines on the Google. But Google lighthouse has a user-centric method for search engine optimization that website development services in Bangalore provides. It ranks according to the different ranges of users and don’t optimize on basis of lab conditions. It also gives feedback to the users and helps developers in site development process.

It is built by the best developers

Lighthouse has a competitive advantage over other tools. It is supported by some financially effective organizations therefore has higher reliability and possibility of winning over others tools. Lighthouse is incredibly a helpful suite to enhance the user understanding of your product. Also, it helps to fix bugs that prove to be critical for the website and applications. Moreover, it also acts as a guiding tool even if you are at progressive stage.

So, these are some benefits of Google lighthouse that are useful for the web developers. Hence, it can be used by the beginners as well as progressive web site developers.

Rebuild your site for improved SEO


Redesign of a website would be like walking into the minefield in terms of search engine optimization. And the worst case scenario would be you could lose all your search engine ranking and have to start from scratch but it won’t happen as long as you perform the transition of redesign of website correctly. One of the most important things you have to remember is that search engine is the most important part for your targeted audience of new website. While making the changes in website you have to make sure you have made the changes in a way that it is user friendly for search engine and easy to understand which includes domain, site, links etc…Which will not effect on your previous ranking? Most of the Website Development Company in Bangalore keeps this in mind while applying changes in website or in updating.

There are some basic things you should always remember while making the changes in website so that it won’t effect on your search engine result.

  • Responsive design – you have to ensure that site is responsive and support on all devices from your smart phone to your larger desktop monitor.
  • Allows the keyword within the address of your relevant page and always ensure the keyword you have promoted earlier which have good ranking on Google are not removed so you can get benefit of that traffic.
  • Try to use easy image tagging with keyword
  • Usage of the text labels make it more simple and efficient which enforce of important keywords with heading tags etc…
  • Try to create in build blogging tools which give you more comfort for posting regular content on your website. Most of the Website Development Services Bangalore provides this service which is very useful and effective. And also try to put the redirection link of different social media platforms which helps you to get more visibility on your social media pages.
  • You cannot forget that behind the scene coding has been already optimised for search engine.
  • Redesign of website means getting changes in the URL for the pages it’s important that you use 301 redirects to inform search engine that website content has been permanently moved to new location. This is how you can inform the search engine that the new or similar content it’s safe to assign the same rank to the new page. So while changing the page you should always take care of it.
  • One of the very important thing that you should always remember that transition from old website to new website if includes a change of domain name. Then you should breaking down the process into two separate steps. First move old site to new domain name setting the redirection 301 one-to-one after that you can launch new website with new domain with correct redirects.

Making changes in the website will not get you good result but applying the correct method and its implementation will give you good business value of your hard work. The steps explain ahead will definitely help you in remember of some important points which you should take in consider to get the benefit of the work you have done earlier.