7 Advanced Guide for E-Commerce SEO in 2018

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is an excellent marketing strategy which is very useful in increasing the quality and the quantity of your website. That is the reason why SEO for Ecommerce sites are very essential. But as the competition in the market is huge it becomes necessary to have an effective e-commerce SEO guide which can help the company to obtain a high rank in Search Engine Results Page (SERP).

Effective Guidelines for E-Commerce SEO in 2018

The following are some ultimate guide to SEO that will help your company to achieve the highest rank in a search engine like Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc.:

Auditing your Website:

The very first SEO tactics to implement is to audit your website and find out the problem that it is currently facing and fix it as soon as possible. It is necessary to perform two different kinds of auditing – technical auditing and backlink auditing. Technical auditing will help you to find out the problematic areas of the website which needs to be fixed ass son as possible. Backlink audit is as important as the technical auditing as it finds out the low-quality links and non-relevance links in your website. You should those poor backlinks in order to optimize your website.


The nest advanced Ecommerce SEO tactics is to do a little bit of research for finding out the most effective keywords. It is very necessary to find out the most relevant keywords for your product or services. Many E-commerce SEO companies in Bangalore uses various tools for finding out the keywords. Some of those tools are Google Keyword Planner, Ahrefs, SEMRush, etc. Apart from performing keyword research, the company must also do a little bit of research on the competitors. You have to find out what keywords the other SEO ecommerce companies are targeting. You can use Moz tool for finding out the keywords that your competitors are using.

Checking the On-Page SEO:

Another excellent ECommerce SEO Tip is to work on on-page SEO. In this process you have to perform a lot of things such as you have to check whether the schema markup of your website is implemented appropriately or not, whether the architecture of your website is proper or not, whether your website is user-friendly or not, whether your website is compatible with various electronic media such as mobile phone, laptop, tablet, etc.

Checking the HTML part:

The next advanced ecommerce SEO strategy is to check all HTML related things such as you have to check the meta titles, meta description, ALT tags, proper tags, URL structure, body content, canonical tags, etc. of your website and take the appropriate measures for correcting all the associated problems.

Checking the interlink of the website:

The next strategy in the ecommerce SEO checklist is to check the interlink and usability of the website. Interlinking is a process with the help of which one website is linked to another website. It helps in establishing the anchor text that can help in boosting the ranking of the website in the search engine. In many ecommerce SEO case study it is found that there should be one interlink in per 100 words. If your Website does not have that much interlink you need to correct them.

Checking the Off-Page SEO:

Another advanced ecommerce SEO technique is to check the off-page SEO which includes the auditing of content creating, content promotion and linking your website to social media platform such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc. You also have to check your content properly and make it interesting and useful for your user.

Analyzing your effort:

Last but not the least, it is important to analyze your effort that you have put in Ecommerce URL structure SEO and check everything is in place or not. You should have a track on the organic search traffic, keyword rankings, conversion rate, the average time user spends on your website, etc. If you are not getting a satisfied result, then you have to work more on your website.

This is the Complete Beginner’s Guide for optimizing the ecommerce business in 2018. Every Ecommerce SEO company in Bangalore follows the above guidelines for optimizing their business. So, you can also try it for getting the best result.

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SEO Traffic Suddenly Dropped

7 Things to Check If Your SEO Traffic Suddenly Dropped

I think this it is the most tragic part for everyone who is blogging or having a website. A sudden drop in a search engine traffic can be scary, but every website owner would have experienced this at least once in their lifetime. The scenario can be worst if you have a business website. No traffic = No leads, No leads = No sales and eventually No Sales = No Commission and No Profits. You definitely don’t want to happen this to your business. The sudden drop in website traffic can be easily rectified. Here are some problems which should be taken into consideration when you diagnose SEO traffic drops.

1. Check Data

When the traffic jam is due to the SEO, the most common thing which you must be sure of is about the accuracy of data. Make sure you are not missing out anything like device, page, broken links etc. If you find an inaccuracy in data, you can easily spot and prevent the same in future. Take help of google webmaster SEO and fix the sudden drop in website traffic. When a traffic swing occurs, calculate and compare the stats and get an average SEO traffic fluctuation.

2. Due to Recent Google Update

When you notice that the Organic Traffic Recently Dropped, it can be common due to the recent updating in google algorithm. It can affect adversely the SEO traffic. Google is very popular to roll out the ranking algorithm time and again, this is usually done by Google to improve the overall search results and reduce the burden of searchers. The primary focus is to remove the spam out. It is very difficult to predict the google update. When you check if your traffic suddenly, drops Penguin and Panda are to be blamed for. Penguin usually hits the link and Panda focuses on flushing out the spam content.

3. Website Hacked

The fact is not even a single website is immune from hackers, they are literally everywhere and if the question sudden ranking drops and how to fix them? is killing your mind, it can be probably due to website hacking. Follow all the Google’s comprehensive list to bring back your website to life again. This is the only option to sort out the drop in webmaster traffic. Thankfully the situation is fixable.

4. Content Duplicacy

When you say content is the king, you should actually mean it. A content should never be taken for granted. You should always make sure to publish high quality, detained and interactive content on your website. Make sure that the content should not be copied from any other website, the originality of content plays a crucial role to increase the overall webmaster traffic. Always check the originality of content from a reliable plagiarism checker before publishing it.

5. Spam Generated By User

The world is full of all kind of people when it comes to online work the risk is more. Never ever entertain naughty, junk spammers to post any comment on your website. If someone is will to add a comment on your page, always check for it and rule out the chances of spamming. Remover the irrelevant links from your website if you notice anything suspicious. This is the most common step of google webmaster SEO to control the sudden drop in website traffic.

6. Redirection

The audience definitely doesn’t wish to get redirected to a new page frequently, just because they don’t want to read the content of any unwanted websites. Always make sure to check your website for having any redirection links. If so, always remove the unwanted stuff and you are good to go.

7. Approach A reliable SEO Agency in Bangalore

A credible company like Nexevo Technologies is the perfect choice if you want to fix the sudden drop in your website. It is one of the best SEO companies in Bangalore which understands and fulfils the SEO issues easily. The SEO agency has a team of experts and skilled professionals who are well aware of all the SEO troublemakers and know a permanent way to fix it easy. They usually charge a very nominal fee for the SEO services.

Tags: SEO Agency in Bangalore | SEO Companies in Bangalore | SEO Company Bangalore

Keyword Research: The Definitive Guide (2018 Updated) – Nexevo

Blogging is an ever-growing industry, starting from ordinary people to celebrities, everyone likes to blog out things. Some people are passionate about writing stuff on a various thing, and they come up with their blog. If you want to become successful, you have to work a lot on your blog. The success of a blog starts with Keyword research for SEO. Yes, without Search Engine Optimization, you won’t gain more traffic to your blog, and all of your efforts would be wasted. Nexevo Technologies help you to search for the right Keywords for your blog. Here, we have listed down a few useful Keyword Search Tips which you can follow and implement on your blog to achieve desired goals.

Most bloggers don’t become aware of it, and for that reason, we have come up with a guide for Keyword research. The entire Keyword research process is a bit long, and with proper tools, you can quickly get the suitable Keyword for your website or blog. Let’s get on to the tips right now!

Best Keyword Research Tips:

1. Focus on your Customers and Readers.

One of the most crucial things, when you search for a Keyword, is, knowing your customers and readers. You should be focused enough on the audience that your blog or website or product targets. If you don’t know about your customers, there will be nothing left to focus on. First, identify your customer and their needs and then go for Keyword Research Guide.

Once you figure out your customers’ traits, you can quickly read out their minds and find out what they might be looking for? You can prepare a list of Keywords as per their perspectives and this way, you will be able to search for the right Keywords.

2. Analyzing the Keywords.

Keyword Research Process is not an easy one, and for that reason, you have to go through various stages of the process. You need to analyze the keyword which you are targeting. The marketing is full of plenty of SEO tools and Keyword research tools; you can seek help from the available tools which can help in analyzing the best Keywords for your blog or website.

If we talk about the giant Google, you can see related keywords in the drop-down suggestions when you search for anything. You can take help from Google Search and this way; you will get a list of an appropriate Keywords.

3. Know your competitors.

If you are looking for a way to earn money through blogging, you should be well prepared for everything. If earning is not what you focus on, then you can go easy with your blog. However, when It comes to earning from the blog, you need to take every single step wisely which can give you a lot of traffic and sales eventually.

There are many tools available which allow you to find out the competitors and how they are ranking well on Google. All you need to do is just put their URL into the software, and it will show you the right data. This will give you new ideas to change the way how you work on the blog. It will also help you to find out the best keywords which can boost your traffic.

4. Placing Keywords at the right Place.

Keywords are essential for your blog’s success; however, you should be aware of where to place them inside the content. Your Keywords must be there in the Meta titles, descriptions, heading of your page. You can optimize every single page of your website and can insert the Keyword in each of the pages available on your website or blog. By putting them in the right position, it will help the Search Engine to fetch them and eventually, you will get good traffic on your blog and pages.

5. Be patient.

To see desired results by following the tips and using different Keyword research tools, you will gradually see changes in the analytics. Your website traffic will increase progressively day by day. As per experts, successful SEO takes around 4 to 6 months of time. With the help of Google’s Analytics tool, you can see the targeted Keyword and how well your targeted Keywords are doing! You have to be patient enough, and this is the only Key left!

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Why do Business Website Need to Optimize Voice Search?

With the advent of new technologies in Google like Alexa and Siri, searching can be easily made on the internet just with the voice command. This option in the new technology has made searching faster and results get displayed in no time. If your business in the world of internet marketing competing with other, it is imperative know the importance of voice search and make your website optimized for it help it withstand the competition.

The number of searches through voice commands on the mobiles has increased drastically during recent times. It is believed that these searches may raise up to 50 percent by the year 2020. It is the mobile technology that brought a drastic change in the way that information is searched. To capture this big market, it is a good important idea to go for voice search optimization 2018

Smart search gaining prominence

Most of the internet search is different from what they actually speak. People are not interested in typing the complete query when they search through typing but would be interested to ask a full question through voice search trends . With the updated programs like Cortana, voice search is going to bring more refined results to the customer. If you are serving the business that satisfies products/ service of the customer, website optimized for voice search SEO 2018 will top the search results.

Mobile devices are becoming a prior option

All the websites today are being optimized for mobile version to capture those big users of smartphones. Smart Phones offer great convenience in searching the results. Whether you are selling products or services online, making your portal easy for the customers to find the products they are looking for in no time. This will help the customers reach your website repeatedly to purchase products or services. Making your website optimized for voice search will play a key role in increasing potential customer base.

Improve site speed

The speed of the website is one of the most important things considered by the search engines like Google to give top rankings to websites. Not every website can get the jet speed of the branded website but, need to have good speed to motivate the customers to visit the website repeatedly and get crawled by the search engines. This is especially true for mobile optimized websites so, faster the site is effective will be its ranking in the search results. This gives an understanding that the website optimized for content and speed is likely to get the attention of the customers through voice search marketing.

Final Thoughts

There is no need for you to do voice optimisation for the websites with the exact knowledge on the search quires or have the knowledge of the mobile quires but, the marketer needs understand the tone of the voice search will help you know how to rank for voice search to do a better job and help the searchers of the internet find the things exactly what they are looking for when searched through voice command.

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Nexevo Technologies | Web Development Company in Bangalore

Nexevo Technologies is a best & top website designing and development company in Bangalore which offers a variety of IT services at a reasonable price. We are an award-winning web design and digital marketing company and have been operating since 2012.

Our corporate services include website development or redesign (including WordPress & PHP), search engine optimization (SEO), creative logo design, Magento web development, digital marketing approaches, pay per click marketing (PPC), social media marketing techniques. We even offer advanced classified portal development with our web development company in Bangalore.

We work with enterprises throughout the globe. Our company blends style with innovative design and our websites are 100% responsive. Our work is trusted by many leading brands as well as 1000+ reputable clients.

Our corporate services include website design, search engine optimization (SEO), logo design, Magento web development, digital marketing approaches, pay per click marketing and advertising (PPC), PHP website development, social media marketing techniques and sessions and WordPress development.

One standout feature of our services is that we offer you a self-update console with a content management system (CMS). This allows you to make your own changes to the content on your website as you see fit and whenever you like. Of course our company support is always available to assist you when you need it.

Our SEO experts in Bangalore will work on a daily basis to keep your website ranking incredibly well on Google, Yahoo and Bing. Our websites have inbuilt HTML coding, which is known as the most ‘SEO satisfying code’. To make you reach the top of the search engines, we focus on marketing services for many companies at an inexpensive market rate.

Nexevo technologies works hard to enhance brand exposure for our clients. We won’t just divert traffic to your website, we will structure your website and marketing approach in such a way that into converts website traffic into revenue for your business.

Nexevo Technologies Portfolio – http://www.nexevo.in/Portfolio.html

Client Base: India. USA, UK,, Canada, Sweden, Norway, Australia, Italy, Denmark, Germany, France, Singapore, Switzerland, UAE, South America, Thailand, Dubai and etc..

Web Development Services and Internet Marketing Services:

  • Website Design
  • Website Development
  • CMS Website Development (Joomla, WordPress, Drupal and Magento)
  • PHP Website Development
  • E-Commerce Website Development
  • Responsive Mobile Design
  • Mobile Application Development
  • SEO | SMO | SEM Services
  • Online Marketing
  • Online Reputation Management
  • PPC

And also we are providing a Social Media Marketing

  • Facebook Marketing
  • Youtube Marketing
  • Linkedin Marketing
  • Pinterest Marketing
  • Twitter Marketing
  • Viral Marketing

Contact Us:


#2,HM-155, 1st Floor,

2ndH Main, Opp.Cuppa Cafe,

Eastof NGEF, KasthuriNagar,

Bangalore- 560043.

Call:+91-8880102111 / 9591505948

Mail:Info@nexevo.in / Contact@nexevo.in

Skype: Nexevotechnologies

Website: Website Design and Development Company Bangalore

When You Migrate Your Website from one Domain to Another Domain

Migrating from one domain to other is a quite tough and complicated task. If you are thinking to shift your website from one domain to other, then there are numerous things you need to consider before doing it. It requires a series of action that you need to do in a sequence to successfully migrate your website from one domain to other domain. Performing the accurate steps is very essential as to make sure that everything has shifted completely and properly without any disturbance. So here, website maintenance services Bangalore has suggests some steps to successfully migrate your website to one domain to other.


The very first step of the process is to purchase a new web host by considering various factors such as cost of buying, space required, server configuration etc. also, one should compare different web host with each other so that the best one can be chosen according to the business suitability. The basis on which you can compare and evaluate the websites are client appraisals, site positions, organization physical area, facilitating plans, number of customers, and online networking data. Moreover, relying on online guide blindly is a big mistake you can make. So never trust them blindly and compare yourself.


There can be two types of files on your website i.e. static and dynamic, static files are those that don’t get changed frequently or automatically such as in-built graphics. The way to backup the static files is to just copy the old file structures to the new web host. The things that you are required to back up are the email-accounts and your database. Transferring email accounts is a bit difficult task.


Once you are done with the stacking of your records to the new web host, check for the last time if everything is working appropriately or not. With the help of a brief URL in IP numbers, you can overview you website. Moreover, some facilitating organizations allow you to arrange your stage with an objective that you can review your site smoothly and with ease. The essential things that you need to check are the missing links, site navigations, database errors or anything that are not properly transferred.


The next step you need to perform is to switch your site’s DNS record to new web hosts at your registrar. DNS records is a list of guidelines that determines where to send the client, transferring DNS records to the new web host gives you the guarantee that users will find your site without any disturbance. The only thing you need to be sure about is that you transfer the right DNS information to your new web host server.


Once you have asked to move your DNS record the switch can go live in couple of days or can take one full day. So wait till your switch go live and you will done after this.

So, these are the steps and in case you find any difficulty in performing the steps, website Maintenance Company in Bangalore is always there to help you.

Understanding the Basics and Importance of Keywords in SEO: 2018

SEO trends of search engines have undergone many changes since its inception. Keywords have played and continue to play an important role in best SEO practices 2018. Before we move into knowing the importance of keyword even the latest trends of SEO practices, let’s know the basics of keywords.

What is a keyword?

The keyword is known as the term that describes the content of the website at the best. It is the search term which you want to rank the page for. The content on each page of the website should be created around the keyword for which you want to rank the web page.

Basics keyword.

There are two types of keywords to help your website rank top among the search results. One is the long tail and short tail keywords. Long tail keywords are more specific and have low search volume. The web development company in Bangalore uses long tail keywords when you are targeting local traffic. If the website is targeting both local and global traffic, a combination of long tail and short tail keywords will be used.

Importance of keywords in SEO 2018.

There has been a lot of change in the algorithms of the search engines for SEO ranking but still, keywords play an important role. Understanding the importance of keywords in SEO 2018 needs you to have a look at keyword density in the content. Of course, there is no rule of thumb established to use the keyword density in the content, recent SEO update 2018 states that you should be using the keywords along with the related words throughout the content of the body.

Gone are the days when algorithms counted the number of keywords that match on the page. With the recent multiple updates from panda has shifted industry from keyword stuffing to user-centric content. Hummingbird update helps the search engine to understand the real meaning behind the search term rather than keywords in the content. SEO updates have led the industry focus on a search term that satisfies the user intent rather than focusing on the keyword alone.

How is keyword still important in SEO 2018?

The above information does not lead you to ignore the importance of keyword in SEO. The point here that the content on the website is user-centric while the keyword used in the content should occur naturally. Website design company in Bangalore should play a balancing act here. The search engine is an intelligent algorithm but, it is still a machine. If your content is complex, it may have a negative impact in gaining the attention of the potential customer because it becomes difficult for the Google to understand the search term for which the website can be ranked for.

The balancing act one can play here is not to stuff the content with the targeted keywords; a strategic inclusion of the keywords in the content will help the search engines rank the page in spite of its inability to understand the subconscious meaning of the content.

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How To optimize your product pages for SEO

Apart from optimizing the product pages of your ecommerce website for user experience, you also need to ensure the pages are good for search engines. In reality product pages of ecommerce websites are responsible for offering sales, thus income. There are a still more than a handful of ecomm business owners who believe in shortcut to success. They mostly try to achieve short term success by simply copying and pasting product descriptions. But this never works its better to follow a proper path. An Ecommerce SEO company in Bangalore can help you with all your SEO requirements for your new ecommerce business.

Know the basics of product page optimization:

Don’t you think that a product page is also an important page even though it does not contain any content or little content? Let’s know the basics then.

Take a look at some of the best practices and you need to consider these very important ones:

Follow the usual SEO knowledge:

Prior any optimization it’s very essential to know the search terms buyers are using. This is why keywords are considered as most important and you cannot go a step further without keyword research. Your aim is to make the products available online so knowing the favorite search terms will help a lot. There are different researches tools available both free and paid. The war is to be within the first five or first three searches on Google.

Here are a few more tips:

  • Make the title attractive and include the product name

  • It is mandatory to include a compact product description

  • Add a catchy meta description

  • Add images and those must contain ALT text

  • The header must be descriptive

  • Please do not copy any content from other sites

  • Do good linking and use rich snippets

  • Focus on showing product price, description and reviews in search results

Usage of data:

When it comes to marketing, your hands are literally tied without data use. Therefore go ahead and use data and you can do so much. It aids in understanding the customers so that you can understand your customers really well……

Read More: How To optimize your product pages

Related Article: Impact of Tagline in Online Marketing

Technical Tips to Improve the Ranking of E-commerce Website

Online business sites have developed as a compelling device for offering your items on the web without really meeting your client and additionally without demonstrating to him the genuine items. In such case, the outline of an E-trade site turns out to be imperative. The E-business sites are intended to lead the guest to one basic assignment – Make an Online Purchase. There are assortments of web-based offering rules that a proficient E-trade web specialist ought to consider.

Tips to improve your ranking:

The initial step is to know the distinction and additionally comparability between a basic site and an E-business site. As a matter of first importance, they all take after a one of a kind offering a guideline. They all should be alluring, efficient and ought to have a simple route and ought to likewise make an adept utilization of hues, plans, and illustrations. Nevertheless, an investigation uncovers some calculated contrast between them also.

Design of the site is a noteworthy piece of E-Commerce sites. As per an exploration, the center-left side territory will draw in the most consideration took after by the focal point of the page. Knowing this a website specialist should attempt to draw the “strolling way” for the guest’s eye, much like what was done at the shopping center. You can get information and help from the best E-commerce Website Design Company in Bangalore.

The greatest test for an E-business web specialist is to decipher the previously mentioned ordinary promoting procedures to the virtual universe of the Internet. An accomplished fashioner will draw an inventive web way for a site guest similarly that has clarified in the genuine market situation. Dissimilar to the genuine shopping center, the site has no scent to pull in a guest. Along these lines in a site, a creator will mastermind the “rack” such that the items are presented to the guests effectively.

Get the special e-commerce site available online!

Something essential to consider is that orchestrating the items on a site is simpler than opening a shopping center. However, offering the items on site is troublesome. Along these lines an expert outlining and look of an E-trade site is famous as it is an essential factor for offering the items on the web. A viable E-business web composition will lead the guest to the correct page in a single tick or two and no more.

Every one of the actualities about the item must be exhibited keenly while each couple of line the guest ought to have the alternative to tap on the request frame. A more prominent number of items on the site prompt all the more planning intricacy. The vast majority of the modern E-business sites utilize certain personalization advances in a request to decide the best determination of items to offer to the guest. These innovations are the real piece of cutting-edge E-business sites. One of such advances incorporates forecast of what to offer the clients on his first visit to E-commerce Website SEO Services in Bangalore.

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Marketing and selling the product in this competitive area is becoming really tough for the marketers. The competition among the e-commerce sites are increasing rapidly. Therefore, to know how to begin and win over the competitors is an actual challenge. Every marketer has the primary motive to sell its product. Everyone wants to boost the sales to increase the profits for the growth of business. Today’s world is becoming digital and marketing through online modes are becoming necessary. One cannot flourish only on offline mode. Social media marketing is really important to boost the sales. But using social media is not an easy task. Proper strategy should be there to manage it. Here, we are discussing some best methods on how to boost sales through SMM.

Build social media goals

To be successful, setting goal is the first and foremost step. One should clear about the target he wants to attain. Once, you are sure about your goals, next step is to working in its direction. Your tasks should be according to it. The goals should be feasible and attainable. It is advisable not to complicate your goals by focusing on too much audience. Follow the rule of simplicity. If you’ll be clear about your goals, people will trust you and you will get loyal customers. This will ultimately lead to increase in sales.

Evaluate the social metrics with your goals

The next important thing to perform is to establish the most important metrics you want to pursue. The social media marketing company in Bangalore suggest that some important metrics to be consider are the reach (actual users who saw your post), the clicks on the content logo and name, the engagement (impressions or the interaction of the users) and hash tag performance(your most used hash tag).

Know the competitors

It is always better to know about the competition before starting on Social media. Know about their strategies which are making them successful. You don’t have to steal their idea, instead learn from them and implement them on your brand. This is really a smart way to increase your customers and boost up the sales.

Work on social media content

Content is the essence of marketing. SMM services in Bangalore provide unique rich quality content. Content is not only the text but it also includes the images, videos and everything that expresses the message you want to convey to your customers. Develop unique and qualifies content so that people could connect to it and they show their interest. Not only building good content is important, but also the posting on correct timings is necessary. Know about the best timings to post the content and you will definitely see better results coming out.

Connect with your audience

Engagement with the audience is the most important thing which needs to be remembering. They should not feel ignored anytime; otherwise it will prove to be dangerous for you. Always connect with your audience and take feedback. Know about their demands and work accordingly. This will boost up your sales and profits.

More Article: Impact of Tagline in Online Marketing

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