Why Digital Marketing is Important in 2019?

Digital marketing has undergone a lot of transformation since its inception. Now, it is not just limited to surge search engine rankings, it is more into gaining the attention of potential customers to various digital marketing trends and strategies.  The digital trends 2019 like artificial intelligence and voice search that has dismissed earlier are now gaining immense importance today. Here are few new digital marketing strategies that added huge importance to digital marketing today.


Artificial intelligence optimizing customer service

Artificial intelligence which is a part of digital marketing today is enabling the business organizations to analyze consumer behavior, search patterns by using the data on the social media platforms. It helps the business know how the customers fin their products and services and help you optimize your customer service. A business that chooses to opt for artificial intelligence in the year 2019 will gain that competitive edge and accelerate the growth of the business.

 Augmented reality advertising lowering conversion costs

Augmented reality advertising is a new strategy that has made digital marketing important in the year 2019. The business that implements programmatic advertising will be able to use artificial intelligence to automate ad buying. The new strategy will help you target a more specific audience. Real time bidding for advertising will enable the business with higher conversions and lower acquisition costs. This new advertising trend is changing the face of digital marketing in the year 2019 and would turn to be a strategy for 90% of digital display ads by the year 2020.

Improved customer service thorough chat-bots

Chat-bots are an important digital revolution in the digital marketing trends 2019. The business that are using chat-bots will be able to use AI for an instant chat with the customer round the clock.  This technology in the digital market is bound to save a lot of money to the business especially in health care and banking sector.  These virtual assistants enable the business to provide best customer service with a responsive and prompt reply and recalling buying history.

Personalized marketing strengthens customer relation

The new strategy boosted the phase of digital marketing. With the availability of data like consumer behavior, purchase history, pages landed on, targeting the buyer with the personalized content has never been this easier. Personalization marketing done by SEO company in Bangalore……. Read Full Article

How To Avoid Website Fails? That Will Increase Your Sales

We are all very much aware of the fact that the people are running their business with the help of their websites. In the current scenario, most of the websites that support business people help to increase the sales of products as well.

As everything turns into digital, customers and clients are always seeking for the things to handle in a smarter way. This could be the main reason that most of the business owners are started to focusing on the business which is highly handling with the usage of the website.

Nowadays, every business requires a website that supports your sales in a better way without any difficulties.

On the other side, most of the business owners are struggling to maintain their websites and started losing the site which helps to improve the sales of products or business.

In case, if it is not mobile friendly, then there will be a chance of reduction of traffic to your website and started experiencing the earnings in a quick time. So, make to handle your website that largely supports mobile devices as many shifts to mobile to gather each and every detail available on the website.

Find the best SEO Service Company

If you are the one who is struggling to run your business without the proper support of the website, then you are in the right place where you can make use of it.

As we mentioned earlier, the website is considered to be one of the important things that every businessman should utilize it. In case, if any proper website is available for your business, then make sure to develop a website for your business in order to increase the sales.

Once it is followed properly, then there is a chance of improvement when it comes to sales.

In case, if any businessman missed focusing properly on the website without any further updates, then there is a chance of losing customers or clients.

In order to avoid this kind of issues, then you can search for the best SEO service company Bangalore at any time.

You can find a lot of service companies which are working hard for the customers and clients to develop their business through maintaining the business. By using these companies, you can expect the contents for your site which are actually lacking.

Once it is followed properly, then there is a chance of getting back your business on the right track.

Recover from loads too slowly

Loading speed of the website is always playing a crucial role among the businessmen. Based on the speed of loading on your website, the customers will visit your site.

The main thing one should keep it in mind is if your site lacks the speed when it comes to loading, and then there will be a chance of losing viewers for sure.

There are several websites available across the internet; if they missed visiting your site, there would be a chance of jumping into the other sites. Yes, the competition between the businessmen is pretty heavier in recent years.

To avoid this kind of issue, you can contact website design & development service in Bangalore. Apart from offering the best services to develop your business, they are also helping to recover back your business on track.

So, whenever you are seeking for the website to recover back, then make sure to visit the best SEO companies available.

Once followed properly, then there will be a chance of getting back your old customers to your site and improve your business in a short span of time without any difficulties.

Avoid guiding viewers to go to other sites

We have mentioned earlier, in case, if any viewers feel too slow loading while entering your website to check about your business, then he/she may feel disappointed for sure. Also, they don’t feel or experience loses when it comes to missing your site but you will start to lose your revenue due to fewer viewers.

This could be the main reason where most of the people who are running their business are seeking for the best SEO companies to target and expect the better outcome from them.

Hope the given stuff will be helpful for all the businessmen who are facing issues running the website.

Tags: Web Design Bangalore | SEO service provider in Bangalore | Web Designing Bangalore | Best SEO service company Bangalore | Website Designers Bangalore | SEO services company in Bangalore | Website Design Bangalore

Why You Should Redesign Your Website

7 Attractive Reasons You Should Redesign Your Website

An attractive website is must for all the business. A nice looking website can quickly get the attention of audiences and people would love to spend more time in order explore the content.

The online presence is highly influenced by the look of the website. A website plays a very curial role to build the first impression of the business. This gets mandatory if your business website is the only source of contact for the customers.

Here are top 7 Attractive Reasons Why You Should Redesign Your Website

1. Upgrade

Every day the technology is changing, people are looking forward to implementing creative ways to boost their market value. Resigning is the best way to upgrade your current image.

You don’t want your company to have the same boring website that looked too long and boring.

Nexevo Technologies can help you to change the overall look and navigation of your website. By changing its look you can also be part of the latest trend and technology.

2. Navigation Trouble

It is always important to keep a check on your competitor’s websites, companies are using new techniques to attract customers towards their business. When you are creating a new website for your business it is must to give special importance to the navigation.

The overall navigation should be easy and a user should have a friendly experience while exploring the website. Always hire website redesign company Bangalore to do the best designing for your company website.

3. To Achieve the Desired results

It is obvious for every business to have a goal, every business implements different strategies to achieve that goal.

A website plays a very crucial role to reach your goal by increasing the lead generation and overall sales.

A website Redesigning from Nexevo Technologies can give fresh look to your business. Rather redesigning the entire website you can plan to redo a particular section to garner immediate audience attention.

A little tweaking in the final look can make a huge difference when it comes to the overall user experience.

4. User-Friendly

The primary goal of creating a website is to attract customers. It is must have a website which is designed as per customer need and not only for the business purpose. If the visuals of the company is not very attractive it can be annoying and too monotonous for the customers.

Hence it important to hire a good website redesign company Bangalore. Companies like Nexevo Technologies make use of the right strategy to communicate the information to the customers.

5. Mobile Friendliness

As per the research users spend huge time on their smartphones. When it comes to dealing with business mail or searching for something online, people highly trust their smartphone. It is essential for all the businesses and companies to have a website which is mobile friendly. This increases the overall readability and reach of your business.

In fact, Google provides the website which is friendly on mobile devices. At the end of the day, the user wants to get all the information as per their convenience and of high quality.

A good website redesign will ensure that all the data remains intact and is also of excellent quality for the customers to explore and use.

6. Boost Responsiveness

As a business owner, you not only want the customer to visit and stay in your page, you also want them to make a purchase decision.

A mobile with great design is considered as friendly and has good responsiveness. When users spend the good amount of time on your website you can notice a drop in the overall bounce rate.

A website design is a perfect choice if you want to increase the overall sales and lead generation. Moreover, while redesigning the current website you can always examine and discard the old content.

7. Increase Credibility

The hard reality is people highly judge a business via its website. A monotonous and old website is obviously a turn off for all the users. Redesigning your website gives people opportunity to trust your business.

A user-friendly website is necessary at the same time it is important for the business website to look attractive and appealing. There are many reliable Website Redesign Companies in Bangalore which can make the task super easy.

More Tags: Web Development Company Bangalore | Website redesign company Bangalore | Website design company Bangalore | Best website design company Bangalore | Ecommerce website development company Bangalore | Website design company Bangalore | Responsive website development company Bangalore | Website Development Company in Bangalore

How to get Google Image Search Traffic ?

Images can actually help in traffic generation but they are like the unsung heroes. Yes, you got it right; this article would speak about the Google Image Search which helps to get more audience to your website. Online content, at least a majority of them is a combination of text and images where text definitely gets attention but images are the ones that help in drawing the attention. You must now remember that images are also a type of content, a very important part of content marketing.

It’s really difficult to get the exact number or the stats of the amount of search traffic Google Image generates or accumulates. The big reason is that Google is not disclosing these statistics publicly. But there the experts did find out some relevant information and that is a huge number. These days, visual content gets ample importance because only a drab piece of text is not enough. This is the reason why Google Image Search came into existence, another successful brainchild. If you are interested to create a stronger brand name, hire an seo company in Bangalore.

Everything About Image Optimization

SEO has mainly overlooked image optimization but now it’s the best way to be ahead of your competitors and create a bigger brand name. The aim of image optimization includes three main things:

1. Opt for images that support the ranking of your page and the traffic

This simply means that the images must be relatable to the keywords that you choose for page ranking. For instance, you are optimizing for ‘gold necklace’ then you must include images of ‘gold necklace’ and also optimize the images of ‘gold necklace’ for the keyword. The search engine results are actually based on the technique of image optimization.

2. The next aim is to obtain a high ranking in Google Image Search

Google has an entire search engine for the ones looking for only images. So, you need to ensure that your pictures rank higher in Google Images Search engine. It is the best way to create brand awareness. You would also have queries about where the image landed from? Just beside the image, the information is shared for the audiences. The search result contains a hyperlink and you can click it to visit the website. It’s definitely a way to attract a larger number of visitors.

3. The images must be displayed properly on social media platforms and in PPC

You post a link to your content on any social media platform, you would want the images to appear great, reflecting the quality and therefore image optimization is of utmost importance.

The image optimization process explained

  • Add relevant keywords to your images – Image optimization firstly means linking them to the right keywords. You must name the image file according to the keyword. The keyword must be included in the alt attribute for optimization purpose. Add keyword in the caption and the title.

  • Image sizing and format essential for Google Image Search – Are you images correctly sized? In case your images are tiny, it won’t enhance the value of your page. If the images are bigger than perfect, the loading time would increase. The perfect size depends on the width of the segment where the content is displayed without including sidebars. A Jpg format is a standard one that is used. For sophisticated images, use the GIF or PNG formats like marketing graphics or company logo.

  • Image metadata – There are 3 types of metadata: technical, descriptive and administrative. For optimizing images, use the descriptive metadata. You need to add an alt text, title info and caption.

  • Adding Image XML Sitemap – Create a sitemap for your images and you need to inform Google about it. It’s easy, Go to Google Search console and click ‘Crawl’ located in the left-side sidebar. Choose ‘Sitemaps’ from the drop-down menu. Click on ‘Add sitemap’ to add the URL.

Tracking the Traffic with Analytics

Since July 2018, Google felt that a lot of webmasters did not understand the role of Google Images in generating site traffic. Google rolled out a new referrer URL that is specific to Google Images. This would show the last page that the user landed on and clicked to visit the webpage. This would give better SEO scope and you could get more traffic. You can track the Google Image Search Traffic even better using Google Analytics.


You cannot neglect image optimization or else you won’t get traffic from Google Images Search. You need an expert to manage all of these and that is why you need to find a reputed and experienced Digital Marketing Company in Bangalore. Image optimization is a part of Search engine optimization and it’s gaining a lot of importance in recent times.

Are You Interested to Take Our Services: Nexevo Technologies

Best SEO Strategy for Ranking and Sales (Updated 2018)

Well, almost all the online website creators are struggling with getting their website ranked at number one on a search engine like Google. There are only a few websites that could be able to manage their top rankings on Google and are easily gaining profits from their customers. SEO services in Bangalore offer a variety of tips and their suggestions will surely help you in enhancing your sales and ranking on search engines. If you are also struggling to maintain your position as number one then you have to follow certain steps which are mentioned below:

1. Basic Understanding of SEO is Important

It is very important to understand the demands and perspectives from the other side i.e. the search engine. What if you enter a search keyword and Google offered several links but none of it is in your use then definitely you would not go back for searching your stuff all over again. In a similar way, Google wants you to submit the data online which your prospects desire to look for. If you are better than the rest of the people, your content would gain an upliftment. For this, you may search the best keywords and the most frequently asked questions.

2. Understand the Language of your Customers and Work Accordingly

You have to be mindful of the needs of your customer. For this, you may also take help of online & digital marketing company in Bangalore which can help you in gaining a better insight about the needs of the customer and then you may transform this knowledge in the form of quality rich content on your website. The use of language in a natural form is always considered to be advantageous for the customers. If you act as a resource for your customers, then surely you will gain reinforcement from Google. You can use the topmost SEO tools for searching keywords and other alternatives.

3. Resourceful Content is the Key

Content includes the written articles, chats, lists, videography, images, sounds, guides etc. you must always utilize the various types of contents to interact with your customers and try to understand their hurdles and should seek to provide answers to their queries. Draft your content wisely, perform thorough research by looking for the keywords most searched for. The content would be appreciated by Google only if the customers would entertain it. So, the demands of the customers should decide the niche of your content.

4. Listing Yourself is Crucial for Ranking and Sales

Your prospects and Google would be able to find you easily if you cite your website on local inventory, national and niche-based directories. It will expand your exposure to the business and lead to improvements in rankings. By assuring that your business profile is completed on Google and you must promote your business through this profile whenever you get a chance to do it. Google likes images and content that can keep the audience engaged.

5. Backlinking Enhances your Popularity

Why would anyone like to form a connection with you if no one links to your website? Backlinks are very important and they can commendably enhance your ranking especially if the respectful sites form a link with you. There is a direct correlation of the rankings on a search engine and formation of quality backlinks and the correlation is positive. You should keep an eye on the backlinks of your rivals and explore the further chances to form links with quality sites.

6. Keeping a Check on Your Progress Record

Evaluation of your input and performance on a regular interval will keep you updated with the SEO strategies and marketing tricks you are using. But make sure that the evaluation is purposeful as you should keep in mind certain specific goals for your business when you start analyzing your performance. You may use wireless carrier for exploring different options and other opportunities to enhance your sales and website rankings on Google.


The improvisation is a gradual procedure and the sooner you start, the better it will be. Make a plan for yourself and keep an SEO checklist with you so as to keep a track of your work and accomplishments.

How to Boost Your Revenue

How to use SEO and content campaigns to boost your revenue?

Search engine optimization is a dynamic technique. Today’s search engine implement smart algorithms so is the importance of content in the digital marketing. The website requires human touch along with the optimization techniques implemented with different digital marketing tools to generate more revenue. The current article is all about how to use content campaigns along with SEO to boost revenue from the website.

A business owner can generate their revenue from the website only when the potential traffic diverted to the website is converted into a customer or client. Both content marketing campaigns and SEO go hand in hand in boosting the revenue generation from the website, the ways to make it possible are discussed further.

Content Campaigns to Boost Revenue:

Content marketing educates the customer about the products and services offered by the business even before they reach the salesperson to know some vital information. With the content marketing campaigns run by best digital marketing company in Bangalore, the buyer journey of making a purchase decision is complete even before they reach the salesperson. However, you should have a proper content marketing plan in place before you proceed with a content marketing strategy which needs you to have a clear understanding of your business goals and target audience. Just parking the good content on the website will not help you generate the revenue. It is fact that good content on the website will help you improve SEO but not generate the desired revenue. You should make content distribution a part of your marketing strategy. Distribute the content across different platforms and make it finable by the target audience. Audience perceives the content as value when you can embrace that idea, you can generate good revenue through content campaigns.

Make sure you drive the traffic through content marketing campaigns to a custom landing page rather than a regular webpage. The more relevant page traffic is diverted to more are chances of increasing your revenue through content marketing. If you are assured about generating compelling that could motivate the audience, including a call of action button that tells them what to do when they want to find more. Once you get the contact information of the target audience, pass it through the sales funnel to use the content further to motivate the customers to take the purchase decisions and promotions.

SEO can help in Generating Revenue:

SEO is all about increasing your search engine rankings and gaining the attention of the potential customers. With competition getting tough, you should make an efforts to implement an SEO strategy that won’t obsolete quickly. With the changing dynamics impacting SERPs, it is important to adjust SEO strategy 2018 by identifying the trends that can be leveraged. Your SEO strategy should be focused on answering the relevant question rather than proving lengthy content targeting keyword. You should make sure to implement traditional SEO campaigns like local SEO to capture revenue in the local market before you turn global. Gaining top ranking in the organic results for the global competition is a time killing the process and a tough game for the start-up company. You can implement SEO strategies like SEO services company in Bangalore helps to stay on the top of the search results in no time even for the global competition. These paid SEO strategies help you gain the attention of the potential customers in no time. Your content marketing campaigns that are part of SEO should be built around uncovering the user intent rather than the generic content that is promoted targeting the keywords. Things in the online world are bound to rapid changes. You should focus on building a small iterative process rather than big time-consuming ones. This strategy would help you make the effective measure whenever possible changes are to be made.

However few self-answered questions will help you understand if your SEO strategy is working right. You should measure if your SEO strategy is generating quality leads and Is there a rise in the number of conversion with the changes made in the SEO strategy. It is also more important to ensure that your SEO strategy is cost-effective because your ROI on the digital marketing efforts needs to satisfy.

Tags: Nexevo Technologies | Digital marketing company in Bangalore | SEO services companies in Bangalore | Digital marketing companies in Bangalore

How to Choose a Good Linking Partner

What is linking?

Linking that means one website is referring to your one particular webpage. This is different from outgoing link from your website. Inbound is also the linking strategy where you can internally link your own web pages and that will help you to rank freely.

When any digital marketing company conducts a survey to the linking team they ask, “What are the challenges they are facing? Their answers are always about finding the recourses.

Recourses that means they are finding new ways to get the link or finding a new website to get the link.

When you start building links, it is not necessary that you will find the website in top 10 in SERP, but it also can happen that you find five sites in top 20 SERP (search engine result page) results.

When you are doing these things on your own it is very tough to keep the hopes alive. Here I am giving you some useful tips for a good linking partner;

The client can give you ideas:

We have seen very few clients who do not know their potential keywords. According to the SEO services company in Bangalore, we use their website information to get the primary keyword related to the business.

When you do research regarding any activity or on any project, make sure you have everything noted. You can provide pre SEO questioners to the client, in that document you can cover all your questions that you would like to ask as an example

  • Is there any keyword that does not seem to be converted?

  • Is there any keyword that you did not mention in the content?

  • Is there any keyword that you feel are valuable for your business?

Whatever your primary keywords are you can try to improvise it and use the variations too. That will help to rank the website on the primary keyword if you are using the variations in the content.

Copy Your Competitors

It is not like that, you have to take the same link what your competitor took, nor do you need some kind of content.

When you are doing an audit of the competitors, you can see where they are taking the high-quality backlink and you can try to take the link from there.

While doing the audit of the competitor if you find the website, which related to the content you also, can try to publish your content or article there.

You can use the tools like AHREF or Semrush to audit your competitor’s backlinks that will give you the insight and you can do high-quality marketing.

Content Marketing

For us, content marketing is the best way to get the genuine backlinks from your content. You can use the Guest post or a Web 2.0 activity to get the high-quality backlink for your website. You also can use the link exchange technique to get the high-quality backlinks.

Content marketing can be very much helpful if you have genuine content and user helpful content. It will help you to get the quality backlink from the high authority website.

Relationship Building

With the good link building, you can also increase the contacts for your business or you can make your network strong. You can start using social media platforms to learn and understand the linking techniques.

You can use blog comment, forums, and other platforms to start the conversation regarding your concern. By doing this you will get the new update and news.

Use Blogging Platform

According to the digital marketing company in Bangalore they said; you are not supposed to make one blog post for only the linking prospect, by doing these you are wasting your time and it will not be going to benefit you much.

If you want to keep your blog alive then you have to keep it updated from time to time. This thing will help you to increase the traffic, you can get more relevant users to your website, and it will give you quality traffic.

In short, these are some linking strategies that you can use and try to earn some quality backlink.

The Ultimate Guide to Increase your Conversions with Dynamic Content

New technologies are now aiming to customize the online experiences of the customers keep in mind their preferences and requirements. This is now shaping the digital marketing arena recently, experiences related to individual viewing are so important now. Most of the time, terms like recommendations and customization are linked to these techniques. Basically, the science is about altering and displaying dynamic content, related to user signals. Dynamic content gives better conversion as it makes customer experience intuitive and relevant. Majority techniques function by taking off lots of useless information made available to the visitors. Users can become more logical in their discovery process.

You must also note all technologies and tools mentioned do not need advanced data analytics functionalities. Generally, they need a structured and well-maintained customer database. This is the reason why dynamic contents are most of the time:

  • Are extensions, basic parts or even plugins of a CRM

  • Connected to a CRM via API

  • Assemble different databases which can be integrated with a CRM or even not connected to. These databases collect user data automatically

How to increase your conversions with dynamic content

Here are the 5 best ways to do so:

1. Personal recommendations that are data driven

In all these years, recommendation engines attained much priority, mainly Netflix, Amazon and other big houses that craft personalized content. You must know that recently Netflix took an estimate of their recommendation system and it’s worth a $1 billion every year. The ‘recommendation box’ from Amazon is also superb as they take users through buyer’s journey seamlessly. Basically, recommendation systems are not only used in E-commerce but also travel websites, content portals and dating sites. The thumb rule is if a website features and also sells any particular thing in abundance, the business can prosper from utilizing a recommendation system. These engines are the mastermind behind the dynamic content. SaaS solutions are coming up so that businesses can earn more profits from recommendation systems. There are 3 kinds of tools that rely on the heaviness of resource and depth of integration and the expenses:

  • E-commerce plug-ins and add-ons

  • Customer Integrated Systems

  • Self Service Systems

2. Better website search with dynamic content

Search is now a very important element of navigation and the kind of website search can have an effect on the conversion rates. Dynamic content is a good choice; it has the power to optimize your site search so that you gain more conversions.

3. Dynamic banners

Are you feeling low because a user has left your website? You have put in so much effort and time to optimize user journey so why would you quit? Dynamic banner ads are the border of dynamic content, mainly used to keep up the steadiness of experience also after a visitor leaves a website. These basically come with retargeting, a fine alternative to static banners and clumsy text. These ads are not displayed on the website but mainly in other offsite channels. It’s a great way to boost conversions.

4. Call-to-actions that are dynamic

The call to action button plays a very crucial role in any online business; it establishes a direct connection between the business and the customers. Customer relations with CTA forms allow subscriptions, conversions, form submissions and more. It’s basically about user actions that are measurable and valuable, it contributes to sales activities. Dynamic CTAs restructure user journey right from primary interaction to conversion.

5. Witty pop-ups

The intelligent pop-ups show up dynamic content on the basis of more number of ad-hoc signals like the time spent on a specific page. A properly timed subscription form, a discount offer or a small reminder about the items lying in the cart can save conversions. This is about reacting at the right time. There are conditions relying on which these pop-ups can have dynamic content, like referral source, geo-location and different levels of engagement.


There are more tools that help to utilize dynamic content for boosting conversions by designing an instinctive and meaningful UX. Al you need is to hire a premium web designing company in Bangalore. This piece is a must read for all marketing experts who wish to utilize dynamic content or improve their current practice. The abundance of customized technologies and dynamic content are two best and the most exciting features of online marketing. So, start investing in dynamic solutions with Nexevo Technologies.

Organic SEO Case Study

Organic SEO Case Study: How to Get a #1 Ranking (2018 Update)

According to an organic SEO case study, it has been observed that the website which has got the first rank on Google receive around 95 percent of the online traffic whereas the rest of the websites receive only 5% of the online traffic. The Search engine Optimization is a process by the virtue of which the online trafficking on your website can be increased on the Search engines ranking pages. There can be various ways through which the page rankings can be enhanced without using paid tools provided by the search engines.

Let us see the top 5 tricks that may help the SEO beginners to work on their website for achieving the topmost ranking in Google search Engine which is mentioned below:

1. Creating Authority Backlinks

One of the most crucial steps to get a high rank on Google is the building of a White Hat Authority Site by creating Authority Backlinks. This require lot of efforts, but it is the most imperishable and durable step to achieve the highest rank for your website. You can do this simply by creating data heavy content, putting a lot of links and posting images, videos and other snaps. You should insert both internal and external links as it exerts a positive influence on the online visitors of your website.

2. Follow a checklist

One should always maintain an on page and off page SEO checklist by moving ahead through step by step. You should keep in mind the most effective SEO Techniques such as the conduction of proper Keyword research by making a thorough understanding of what do people prefer to search the most and how to use them effectively in your webpage content. The proper formation of URL and insertion of keyword in URL as it is the first thing which the search engine keeps in mind before ranking your website, Alt tags insertion in Videos and images, updating content on a regular basis etc. You can also hire seo service company in Bangalore for accomplishing this task.

3. Be aware of the ranking algorithm of the Google search Engine

According to the Study done in 2018, there are various Google’s ranking factors that you should be aware of such as the security of the website, Whether the websites are mobile friendly or not, the quality of the content is very important, what is the opening time for your web page, The length of the content of your webpage also matters, whether you have created the authority backlinks in your website etc.

4. On page SEO should be given priority

SEO best practices include the right targeting of keywords so as to become the excellent performer amongst all. Optimization of title tags is very important and makes sure that the title tags are comprehensive, and must contain the keywords, avoid stuffing of keywords. You can also refer to the SEO for Ecommerce Sites if you are an Ecommerce company and building your website for your product. Scheme markups are also an essential practice which differentiates your website from your competitors and is very helpful in attracting the visitors on to your website. It also enhances the understanding of your webpage content by the Google search engine.

5. Do not forget fix your penalties

Make sure that if your website is malfunctioned, then it becomes useless to continue spending time an efforts in its maintenance. To recognize the mistakes and the loopholes, you should firstly analyze the internal links on your website. To accomplish this, you can refer to the various tools such as Ahrefs, SEOprofiler etc. You must clean your link profile by using either of the methods such as manual links removal or by using Disavow tool by Google. Diversification of the anchor text is vital to create a natural link profile. You must refer to the best SEO updates in order to be completely aware of what all factors are important.

Therefore, these are the top 5 ways through which the Google rankings can be improved. If you are looking for digital marketing of your website, then you can also hire Digital Marketing Company in Bangalore. These are the top 5 most effective tips for SEO 2018.

17 Powerful Secrets to Increase Website Traffic

Having website online is of no use if it is not able to get potential traffic that can increase your sales conversions. Irrespective of the size and type of the business, every website online should focus on increasing their website traffic. The current article is all about ways to increase website effectively.

1. Publish content quite often

The current changes in the search engine algorithms have given huge importance to content. Publishing the content quite often would drive more traffic to the website. It helps to generate traffic from the various sources like social media platforms, forms, and E-mails.

2. Highly informative content

Gaining potential traffic from the major search engines like Google needs you to write lengthier and informative blog post. The posts that are more than 2000+ words have more potential to draw the traffic than the words that are 1000+

3. Use long tail keywords

Using the long tail keywords in your content to get viral website traffic, the digital marketing company in Bangalore has gained a terrific surge in the conversion rate of the potential clients. Though there is less search traffic, the conversion rates will be high when you use long tail keywords in the content.

4. Competitive research

This is another strategy for attracting more visitors to your website. Nexevo Technologies have employed expert team especially to conduct competitive research and gain the competitive edge in the market and rank higher in the search results.

5. Use Quora

Using Quora has turned out into another SEO powerful secrets of the year 2018. The platform has gained millions of users during the recent times. Using the site will help you with the content that works at the best and increase the chances of your post going viral.

6. Dedicate 80% of the time to blog promotion

Most of us spend time is writing lengthy blog content inserting highly targeted keywords but, how much time are we spending on promoting the same content. In the most of the cases, it is 80:20, the ratio, should be in the reversed proportion to generate Powerful tactics to Increase your blog traffic.

7. Have SEO optimized site

It is very important to conduct SEO audit with the help of the SEO company in Bangalore and fix the errors to make sure that the site is SEO optimized. An optimized website can bring more traffic to the website.

8. Link building

The history of Link building in SEO is as old as a hill but, its importance cannot be neglected even in the year 2018. Follow white hat link building that helps you bring long-term steady search traffic.

9. Social media

The power of social media in bring viral website traffic cannot be ignored. Social media networks like Facebook, Twitter Instagram and Pinterest are growing at a rapid phase. If you are able to connect with the influencers, it can quickly bring a good list of customers.

10. Content transformation

Scripting content is a tedious task. Content transformation is making most of your efforts to generate good traffic to the website. You can transform the content into various formats to generate good website traffic. Learn to transform the content into video, slide share and much more.

11. Republish your content

You can republish the content by rewriting them a bit when you are posting them on the professional sites. Rewriting the content is worth effort. The sites have many people visiting the site and the chance of views for your content.

12. Share on high-quality industry related sites

There are sites for promoting industry-specific content. Every industry has some content sharing sites in specific. Search for this kind of site and share top-notch content for getting good traffic to your website.

13. Guest blogging

Write high-quality posts on high ranking sites. This can play a key role in bringing potential traffic to your website apart from serving as effective link building source.

14. Blog comments

This is another good way to generate traffic to the website. Use it on the good sites so that it can turn into another source of generating good traffic.

15. Swap ads with other sites

You can make use of your current traffic to generate more traffic by swapping ads with the other sites in the same niche. Of course, make sure they are not your competitors.

16. Conduct interviews with thought leaders

You can plan to conduct interviews with the thought leaders in the industry and share with your audience through the podcast, youtube channel and even your blog.

17. Announce the new content on e-mail

This is one of the legitimate traffic resources that can promise you the results all the time. Announce the availability of new content to the to potential customers to generate good traffic to the sites.

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