Significance of Sitemaps

What is Sitemap?

A webpage guide is a visual or literarily composed model of a Web website’s substance that permits the clients to explore through the website to discover the data they are searching for, generally as a customary geological guide people groups discover places they are searching for in this present reality. A website guide is a sort of intelligent chapter by chapter list, in which each recorded thing joins specifically to its partner segments of the Web webpage.

Sitemaps play out the same administration that the format maps in huge shopping centers perform: without them, it is conceivable to investigate an unpredictable site by experimentation, yet in the event that you need to make certain to discover what you’re searching for, the most effective approach to do that is to counsel a model of the assets accessible. In the event that a Web webpage is little and uncomplicated, a website guide might be pointless, generally as a format guide may not be required for customers to discover their way through little shopping centers.

Significance of Sitemaps

There are numerous SEO tips and traps that assistance in enhancing a site yet one of those, the significance of which is in some cases belittled is sitemaps. Sitemaps, as the name suggests, are only a guide of your site – i.e. on one single page you demonstrate the structure of your site, its areas, the connections between them, and so on. Sitemaps make exploring your site less demanding and having an upgraded sitemap on your site is great both for your clients and for web search tools.

Sitemaps are an imperative method for correspondence with web search tools. While in robots.txt you tell web crawlers which parts of your website to bar from indexing, in your webpage map you tell web crawlers where you’d like them to go.

Advantages of a Sitemap

  • On the off chance that you investigate SEO do’s and don’ts you will see that 2 sitemaps are prescribed. One is for the client and the other is for web search tools. The significance of a sitemap is twofold.
  • It helps the client to explore through and comprehend your site.
  • It seeks motor “arachnids” to slither through your site.

Tags: SEO Companies in Bangalore | SEO Agency Bangalore | SEO Services in Bangalore

Top Web Design Companies in Bangalore

Welcome to Nexevo Technologies – No 1 Web Design Company

Nexevo Technologies making Potential business and corporate sites for organizations over everywhere throughout the world uniquely in India. We have 5+ years of experience on the web configuration, advancement and internet advertising advances originate from various foundations. Our group of Website Designing Company London are all around talented and experienced in the most recent innovations of programming dialects, for example, CMS,PHP MySQL, AJAX and Javascript, Prestashop and magento ecommerce.

Our Services:

  • HTML 5 Website Design & Development
  • PHP Website Design & Development
  • CMS Website Design & Development
  • Ecommerce Website Design & Development
  • Responsive Web Design & Development

Our Ecommerce Services:

  • Ecommerce Website Design
  • Ecommerce Website Development
  • Magento Website Development
  • Responsive Magento Theme Customization
  • Magento ecommerce Development
  • Magento Theme Customization
  • Magento Module Implementation
  • Magento Payment Gateway Integration
  • Magento SEO Services

Our Digital Marketing services are:

  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Search Engine Marketing
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Online Branding Services
  • Pay Per Click Advertisement(PPC)
  • Online Reputation Management
  • Lead Based Marketing
  • SEO Copy Writing
  • Ecommerce SEO Services
  • Local SEO Marketing
  • Digital Media Advertising
  • Multilingual SEO Marketing


Nexevo Technologies

#2, HM-155, 1st Floor,

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East of NGEF,

Kasthuri Nagar,

Bangalore – 560043.

Call: +91-8880102111 / 9591505948

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Tags: Web Design Bangalore | Website Design Bangalore | Web Development Bangalore | Website Designers Bangalore | Website Development Bangalore | Web Design Company

How Robots.txt Work

How Important Is Robots.txt for Your Website

What is Robots Text in SEO

The robots.txt document is an intense record in case you’re chipping away at a site’s SEO. In the meantime, it likewise must be utilized with consideration. It permits you to deny web indexes access to specific documents and organizers, however that is all the time not what you need to do. Throughout the years, particularly Google changed a great deal by they way it slithers the web, so old best practices are no more substantial. This post clarifies what the new best practices are for your WordPress robots.txt and why.

How Robots.txt Work

Web crawlers convey minor projects called “creepy crawlies” or “robots” to look your website and take data back to the internet searchers so that the pages of your webpage can be recorded in the query items and found by web clients. Your Robots.txt record educates these projects not to hunt pages on your site which you assign utilizing a “prohibit” summon.

How Important Is Robots.txt for Your Website?

To show signs of improvement comprehension of it, consider robots.txt a visit guide for crawlers and bots. It takes the non human guests to the stunning ranges of the site where the substance is and demonstrates to them what is essential to be and not to be ordered. Every one of this is finished with the assistance of a couple lines in a txt record design. Having an all around experienced robot aide can expand the rate at which the site is filed, carving the time robots experience lines of code to locate the substance the clients are searching for in the SERPs.

These days most robots.txt records incorporate the sitemap.xml address that expands the creep velocity of bots. We figured out how to discover robot records containing work enlistment includes, hurt individuals emotions and even guidelines to instruct robots for when they get to be unsure.

Remember that despite the fact that the robots record is entirely for robots, it’s still freely accessible for any individual who does a/robots.txt to your area. At the point when attempting to avoid the internet searchers private data, you simply demonstrate the URL to any individual who opens the robots record.

Tags: SEO Company Bangalore | SEO Companies in Bangalore

Why is ORM Important to your Business?

What is Online Reputation Management?

Your online notoriety is your picture on the Internet. Online Reputation Management (ORM) is about enhancing or reestablishing your name or your image’s great standing. This is by countering, debilitating or taking out the negative material found in the Internet – vanquishing it with more positive material to enhancing your validity and clients’ trust in you.

Why is ORM Important to your Business?

Potential clients change buy choices when they see awful audits, negative blog entries and remarks which can spread in different directs, for example, in web index results and in online networking systems. These can gravely influence your image and your business. That is the reason it’s critical to have your online notoriety checked and have these negativities relieved—while proactively fabricating positive notoriety.

The Benefits of Online Reputation Management

Here are only a couple of the reasons why it’s essential to deal with your organization’s online notoriety:

  • It helps you resolve client protests rapidly
  • It can demonstrate that your business thinks about client administration
  • It helps you to win your client’s trust
  • It helps you expand your straightforwardness
  • It makes more positive verbal exchange about your image
  • It helps you distinguish your organization’s chances
  • It gives you a chance to develop your nearness on the computerized channels your clients continuous
  • It supports online supports

Tags: Online Reputation Management Services Bangalore | Online Reputation Management Bangalore | Online Reputation Management | ORM

What is B2B Ecommerce?

B2B and B2C Solution Bangalore - Nexevo Technologies

What is B2B Ecommerce?

Business-to-business, or B2B, depicts organizations working with each other, for example, makers offering to merchants and wholesalers offering to retailers. This plan of action varies from B2C, regularly offering arranged evaluating for various organizations for instance.

Ecommerce (e-business) or electronic trade is the acquiring, offering, and trading of products and administrations over PC systems, (for example, the Internet) through which exchanges or terms of offer are performed electronically.

Favorable position of B2b E-trade

  1. Enhanced brand mindfulness
  2. Expanded deals
  3. Client driven experience
  4. Excellent client administration
  5. Enhanced deals engagement

What is B2C Ecommerce?

B2C, or business-to-customer, is the sort of trade exchange in which organizations offer items or administrations to buyers. Customarily, this could allude to people looking for garments for themselves at the shopping center, burger joints eating in an eatery, or subscribing to pay-per-view TV at home. All the more as of late, the term B2C alludes to the web offering of items, or e-following, in which makers or retailers offer their items to customers over the Internet.

Preferred standpoint of B2C E-business

  1. Process mechanization
  2. Lower costs
  3. Boundless commercial center and shopping time
  4. Simpler business organization
  5. Predominant and formally dressed client experience


Nexevo Technologies is Top Ecommerce Website Design and Digital Marketing Company which is headquartered in Bangalore, India. Our Company working following 2012. We are specialists with site planning and improvement and web showcasing. Effectively dispatched more than 500+ tasks all around. Nexevo Technologies center qualities are devotion, Honesty and advancement and inventiveness.

Contact Information:

Nexevo Technologies

Ecommerce Website Development Company

Call: +91-8880102111 / 9591505948


Skype: Nexevotechnologies


Tags: Ecommerce Solution in Bangalore | Ecommerce Website Design Companies Bangalore | Website Development for Ecommerce | Digital Marketing for Ecommerce Website | Nexevo

Why to Use SEO for Web Marketing?

SEO technique is a significant component of any effective advanced promoting procedure. On the off chance that you aren’t organizing website improvement, it’s possible you’re promoting group can’t create the outcomes your B2B organization needs. As yet questioning the viability of SEO to your business’ main concern? Here are 3 reasons that will demonstrate the significance of SEO and why it should be the primary center of your promoting system.

  1. To boost the ranking of the website in SERP

Google is the world’s biggest internet searcher with more than 67% of the worldwide web crawler piece of the pie, as indicated by NetMarketShare. Thus, Google runs the advanced play area that is web crawler result pages (SERPs).

  1. Decrease Average Page Load Speed
  2. Increase Time on Site AKA “Dwell Time”
  3. Decrease Bounce Rate
  4. Implement HTTPS and HTTP/2
  5. Speed Up Indexing in Google Image Search
  6. To increase the traffic to the website

Adding new substance to your site all the time is an incredible advanced showcasing hone. The web search tools love it, yet all the more significantly your gathering of people ought to think that its helpful. Your web journal is your own special channel to discuss straightforwardly with your group of onlookers of potential clients and supporters.

  1. To get boost in Sales and Profit

One approach to consider SEO is as the cutting edge adaptation of attempting to get recorded at the front of the business directory. Fundamentally, SEO expands your deals by getting you more leads by putting you at the highest priority on the rundown for whatever your item/administration is. Be that as it may, the genuine force of SEO as an apparatus for bringing deals to a close is the point at which it’s cooperated with a hearty online lead supporting and transformation.

Tags:  Best Web Development Agency Bangalore | Best Website Development Agency Bangalore | Best Web Development Agency in Bangalore | Best Website Development Agency in Bangalore

How to Increase Your Ecommerce Revenue

The most effective method to expand your online deals

So you have been trying courageous endeavors at expanding your eCommerce site change rate. You are draining cash on procuring that terrifically imperative movement, are attempting to outsmart Google at splitting its continually changing pursuit calculation and are restlessly checking your activity sources, for fear that they become scarce.

Yet, in the event that we take a gander toward the end target of these activities (read: expanding income), there’s a less complex and less anguishing approach to accomplish that – expanding your Average Order Value (AOV).

  1. Go from versatile prepared to Ecommerce streamlined
  2. Setup post-buy robotization to upsell, gather criticism, and hold clients returning
  3. Use Facebook Exchange retargeting to lessen lost deals
  4. Robotize birthday, commemoration, and occasional money rebates
  5. Utilize long-shape content advertising to help SEO movement, social engagement, and drive deals
  6. Plug the greatest holes in your transformation channel
  7. Venture into new domains
  8. Center 80% of exertion on your best items
  9. Offer the best partner program in your industry
  10. Send a dire particular rebate to your clients
  11. Use multi-channel showcasing to awe clients and emerge from the group
  12. Transform your preferences into leads with social challenges
  13. Overhaul your Ecommerce programming


Nexevo Technologies is Top Website Design and Digital Marketing Company which is headquartered in Bangalore, India. Our Company working following 2012. We are specialists with site planning and improvement and web showcasing. Effectively dispatched more than 500+ tasks all around. Nexevo Technologies center qualities are devotion, Honesty and advancement and inventiveness.

 Related Tags: SEO Company Bangalore | SEM Company Bangalore | SMO Company Bangalore | ORM Company Bangalore | Digital Marketing Company in Bangalore | SEO

The New Revolution in E-Commerce

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The New Revolution in E-Commerce

In 2016, the e-commerce world is totally different from the one Amazon and eBay agree to years ago. The virtual marketplace has developed strongly competitive. Over 80,000 virtual stores are competing in an overloaded marketplace, and the label shown in-store are depending on the ratings given by customers online.

In Future

Style statement of today is convincing indicators of where e-commerce will be in future. Nexevo Technologies – Ecommerce Web Development Company Bangalore, in the process of enhancing the online store they set in latest technologies to customize the shopping experience for customers. Here are different evolutions predicted by Nexevo Technologies Web Designing Company.

  • Omni-Channel Marketing – This method is increasingly used to balance profit and create changes. Omni-channel marketing makes use of various mediums to give customers an integrated shopping experience.
  • Consumer-Focused Engagement – Keeping the customers shopping experience appealing and to turn their clicks into purchases is the key. Concentrating on consumer-centric online shopping will sooner become a plus.

Read More: The New Revolution in E-Commerce



How To Generate Website Traffic From Twitter

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How To Generate Website Traffic From Twitter

Online networking has numerous utilizations—from making contacts to performing client administration—yet driving quality activity to your webpage is Twitter’s mystery weapon. The unavoidable issue it is safe to say that this is: How would we be able to get a greater amount of that beautiful consideration we long for?

As my late survey appears, producing approaching movement is the main need that individuals have at this moment, and in light of current circumstances. Activity interprets into:

  1. Incorporate a suggestion to take action
  2. Be dynamic and draw in with your group of onlookers
  3. Fabricate a REAL Twitter taking after
  4. Begin utilizing hashtags
  5. Tweet when your crowd is tuning in
  6. Use Triberr
  7. Notice influencers


On the off chance that you an entrepreneur or CEO hoping to create income from site or Internet movement please don’t hesitate to connect with me I have numerous SEO and online networking bundles that can help you convey inquiry and online networking guests to your business site.

Tags: SEO Company Bangalore | SMO Services Bangalore | Social Media Marketing Agency

Advantages and Disadvantages of Responsive Web Design

Advantages and Disadvantages of Responsive Web Design

Responsive Web Design (RWD) is an approach of laying-out and coding a website such that the website provides an optimal viewing experience — ease of reading and navigation with a minimum of resizing, panning, and scrolling — across a wide range of devices (from desktop computer monitors to mobile phones).

Advantages of Responsive Website Design

The choice that is best for your business relies on upon numerous components, for example, the reason for the site, the proposed target gathering of people, and whether SEO is a variable.

On the off chance that SEO is a component, here are three reasons why responsive web configuration is the best choice for your versatile SEO methodology.

1 Higher Ranks in Google (SEO)

2 Increased Sales and Revenue

3 Great User Experience

4 Save time utilizing Google Analytics

5 Save cash on versatile improvement

6 No more copy substance punishments

7 Enhanced disconnected perusing knowledge

8 Staying in front of rivalry

9 Staying in business

10 the Cool Factor

Disadvantages of Responsive Website Design

  • The absolute best sites have been composed particularly to be responsive – from design to catches and everything in the middle. Whilst we can (and have) overhauled existing sites to wind up responsive, the perfect arrangement is to re-plan, so that the site can perform at the most ideal level.
  • There are contentions to be made about whether guests truly NEED to have the capacity to get to the full site content. In case you’re on a portable, would you say you are searching for certain data as it were? The best way to truly advise is to utilize a system like Google Analytics to perceive how guests to your standard webpage, on a cell phone, explore the site. What do they search for and where do they go?


The Responsive Design is unquestionably a viable answer for give an ideal client experience. This is a noteworthy advancement of web configuration welcoming architects to take another test. Detriments and impediments of utilizing this strategy are effortlessly overcome by putting more accentuation on the configuration and advancement phases of your site.

Tags: Nexevo Technologies | Website Design Company Bangalore | SEO Company Bangalore