Advantages of Google Analytics


What is Google Analytics?

Knowing your group of onlookers and what they need is a vital achievement component for any site. The most ideal approach to know your group of onlookers is through your activity details and this is precisely what Google Analytics accommodates FREE. There are a lot of details programming projects and modules, yet we trust that Google Analytics is an unquestionable requirement has for each site.

Advantages of Google Analytics

  1. More precise number of real clients

By just measuring the quantity of visits to your webpage by web programs, you get a more precise photo of the quantity of people to your website contrasted with computerized bots (e.g. web crawler bugs) which can expand your details.

  1. Point by point details on guest sources

See where on the planet they’re originating from and by means of which sources: direct, alluding, effort or web index.

  1. Upgrade content

See what pages get the best activity, longest time on page and most minimal bob rates and site exits. Change or dispose of ineffectively performing substance to streamline your substance advertising.

  1. Track site occasions

Track connections to outer sites, downloads and on-page communications (print, email, bookmark and so forth.)

  1. Crusade Tracking

Make a custom following code (url) for any connection to your site, so you can gauge which battles drive the best guests.

  1. Objective Tracking and Funnels

Time nearby, site visits, going to a particular page, downloads and buys. See which movement sources have the best transformation rates. Examine and upgrade the business pipe to expand change.

  1. Working System, Browser, Mobile and Connection

See the amount of activity you are getting from different stages, including portable tablets and cell phones. See normal programs and screen-resolutions to best streamline your substance.

  1. Think about recorded information

View and think about patterns over all information over any time allotment. Utilize this data to better comprehend client online conduct.

  1. Reports by email

Setup and send fitting custom reports (by means of numerous arrangements) to those in your association that need to know certain things, an immense efficient.

  1. It’s allowed to utilize

Every one of this and more in an intense yet easy to utilize bundle. Other than this blindingly evident reality, it’s verging on turning into an industry standard investigation device for sites.

Related Tags: SEO Company Bangalore | SEO Services Bangalore | SEO Companies in Bangalore | SEO

Top 10 Reasons Why to Choose WordPress

Top 10 Reasons Why to Choose WordPress.png

You are wandering here and there and searching for best reasons that could persuade you for utilizing WordPress for outlining your site. How might you feel in the event that I say that you have arrived to the proper page that you have been searching for? Here we are portraying an immense number of reasons why you ought to go for WordPress for planning your site. Give us a chance to begin:

  1. WordPress is anything but difficult to setup, oversee, and redesign.
  2. WordPress is useful for both your online journal and your site.
  3. A great many professionally outlined topics — huge numbers of them accessible for nothing.
  4. WordPress modules add complex business components to your site without hiring a coder
  5. WordPress is internet searcher neighborly.
  6. WordPress is prominent.
  7. The WordPress people group.
  8. WordPress is prepared for the versatile web.
  9. WordPress is full grown.
  10. WordPress is open source.


Nexevo Technologies – Web Designing Company in Bangalore offers Web Designing, Website Development, Search Engine enhancement (SEO), Ecommerce Website Designing and Website Development, Online Payment Gateway, Internet Marketing Services and Branding Designs. Website Design Company – Nexevo Technologies additionally experienced in Logo outlining, responsive web planning, WordPress web outline and customization, open truck, joomla, magento, layout customization, space and Hosting administrations, corporate character plans and the sky is the limit from there.

Ecommerce Website Design and SEO Company Bangalore

May 04.2016

Nexevo Technologies is Top Website Design Company and Digital Marketing Company which is headquartered in Bangalore, India. Our Company working since 2012. We are experts with website designing and development and internet marketing. Successfully launched more than 500+ projects globally. Nexevo Technologies core values are dedication, Honesty and innovation and creativity.

Our Services:

=> Web Design

=> Web Development

=> Ecommerce Solution

=> Internet Marketing

=> Mobile App Development

Contact Us:

Nexevo Technologies

SEO Company Bangalore

Call: +91-8880102111 / 9591505948


Skype: Nexevotechnologies



Which is Best Subdirectory or Subdomain on SEO


What is a subdomain?

Subdomains are augmentations of your area name that you can forward to URLs or point to IP locations and registries inside your facilitating account. For instance, you could make a subdomain for pictures on your site called “pics” that is open through the URL notwithstanding It’s anything but difficult to make an important Web address for special substance territories of your webpage by utilizing subdomains.

You can indicate 100 subdomains per area name. You can likewise include different levels of subdomains. Case in point, you can add to dig into a much more particular zone of enthusiasm on your website. Each subdomain can be up to 25 characters in length.

What is subdirectory?

A subdirectory is a registry that is situated inside another index. A comparable term can be utilized to portray an envelope underneath another organizer in a graphical client interface (GUI) like Microsoft Windows. The following are some extra case of subdirectories and subfolders.


In this, all in all, on the off chance that you’d like to fabricate the value of one site or element, I recommend utilizing a subfolder. In the event that you’d like to assemble a whole new substance with its own particular value, dispatch a subdomain.


Nexevo Technologies is Top Website Design Company and Digital Marketing Company which is headquartered in Bangalore, India. Our Company working since 2012. We are experts with website designing and development and internet marketing. Successfully launched more than 500+ projects globally. Nexevo Technologies core values are dedication, Honesty and innovation and creativity.

Tags: Web Design Company Bangalore | Web Development Company Bangalore

Which is The Best CMS for Ecommerce

what-is-Best-eCommerce-Website copy

Ecommerce entrepreneurs have numerous options with regards to shopping baskets or ecommerce stages – all of which claim to be anything but difficult to send and oversee. Actually, be that as it may, most entrepreneurs end up contracting a creator and a Web engineer to help them make the ideal ecommerce webpage.

  1. Shopify

Shopify is a finished, completely facilitated, eCommerce arrangement that empowers you to set up an online store to offer your items. It helps you to compose your items, redo your storefront, acknowledge charge card installments, track and react to orders — all with a couple snaps of the mouse.

  1. Magento

Magento is an open-source e-trade stage for online business. Magento is free for download in the Internet, with the exception of Enterprise adaptation. It incorporates the greater part of the important elements to have your store up and run it. It is a standout amongst the most prevalent eCommerce stages. Magento is an e-trade system that made substantial utilization of EAV with the objective of adaptability. Be that as it may, a great deal of engineers can’t make sense of how to compose reporting questions or do any upkeep on their applications. Along these lines, unless you’re a coder work with this stage can be a long and troublesome procedure.

  1. WooCommerce

WooCommerce is simply one more WordPress module in any case, the potential that this module holds is very noteworthy. WooCommerce is totally free and simple to download,it additionally offers enormous adaptability and it offers you more than just E business. On the off chance that you comprehend the estimation of Content advertising and blogging you’ll comprehend why utilizing WooCommerce is empowered. WooCommerce offers you a plenty of assets to help you resolve any issue.Hence I’d incline toward Woocommerce over different modules.


Magento offers just about everything an e-business website would need to showcase items, complete online exchanges, offer client administration and run all your backend forms productively. Be that as it may, it’s not an attachment and play e-business stage, it needs some level of coding learning to fabricate the site in any case.

Magento key e-trade elements are:

  • Client Dashboards
  • Stock Management
  • Propelled dispatching and supplier administration
  • Permits packaging of items
  • Worked in cross offer and up offer capacities
  • CMS choice
  • Bulletins

Related Tags: Ecommerce Web Design Company Bangalore | Ecommerce Websites Development in Bangalore | Ecommerce Web Designing Company Bangalore

12 Things You Can Do With Press Releases

12 Things You Can Do With Digital Press Releases

  1. Adding links still helps drive traffic to a website.
  2. Improve the user experience.
  3. Increase visibility in search and social.
  4. Use press releases as inroads to more information and details on a website
  5. Spark a story idea and attract a journalist or blogger to do a larger story that
    might gain a natural link.
  6. Educate and inform your audience.
  7. Build relationships.
  8. Report company news or industry data.
  9. Use images and video to increase page views and attention.
  10. Embed video and multimedia.
  11. Create info graphic version of press release tells your story.
  12. Broaden your distribution and use social networks to report news – both paid and organic.


Nexevo Technologies is the Number 1 SEO Company in Bangalore India, We are Five years’
Experience in SEO, SMO, SEM and Web Design and
Development Fields. If You are looking for SEO on your website you should come
to right place Nexevo Technologies.

Visit our Portfolio:

Contact Us:

Nexevo Technologies
SEO Company in Bangalore
Call: +91-8880102111, +91-9591505948
Skype: Nexevotechnologies

Related Tags: SEO Companies Bangalore | SEO Agency Bangalore | SEO Services Bangalore | SEO


Social Media Marketing Agency Bangalore

Hire our Social Media Marketing Facilities and Improve your professional growth to a new level

The perception of social media has developed in the previous few years and all scales of business houses are blending Social Media movements in their marketing plans and strategies. The ones who actually recognize the way of utilizing Social Media Optimization in their businesses are helping from the strategies while the others regret spending money and time for the incorrect usage of SMO – Social Media Optimization Bangalore

SMO Company Bangalore.png

Nexevo Technologies are original in our SMO application

As a reputed Social Media Optimization Services Bangalore, Nexevo  don’t need to follow the crowd in order to operate the social media marketing operations. We make sure that the returns on the money and time you have invested for our Social Media Marketing are worth it.

  • We are unique and authentic
  • We make sure to always publish good-looking and interesting content
  • You can always expect reliability in our work

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What Is The Major Advantages Magento Platform?

Group: It’s huge, it’s skilled, and it’s developing Quick.

Support: Minimal for the free Community Edition (CE), yet eBay bought Magento as the ecommerce stage of decision for their inevitable Commerce suite. On the off chance that code were stock, the half Magento people group would be well off.

Design: Although it might appear to be over-architected (as Rob Smith specified), at no other time have had I worked with a framework sufficiently effective to address my each issue. Magento is worked to scale from 1 to a million, dodging regular pitfalls for engineers. Code re-use, viability, investigating, and support, and so on are all enormous, costly issues that ecommerce arrangements suppliers must handle. Magento makes all of them a breeze.

Out-of-the-case highlight set: Magento handles ideas legitimately and in a sorted out way. Stock Magento accompanies Simple, Configurable, Grouped, Bundled, Virtual and Digital Products. You can utilize it to offer entertainment mecca tickets and advanced music in the meantime, with no augmentations.

Augmentations: You knew it was coming. In the event that Magento doesn’t as of now do it, go get another person who as of now has. 90% chance it’s as of now accessible and the vast majority of these expansions are very economical (unless you’re searching for combination with, say, an ERP).


Nexevo Technologies is a Great Ecommerce Web design and Development Agency. We provide effects oriented technique to every shopper; Website Design Company – Nexevo Technologies supply the most appropriate solution to reach long term objectives. SEO Agency Bangalore – Nexevo Technologies exploit each client’s asset by provided that the highest level of attractive design organized with a weight on functionality. As one of the greatest Website Design Companies, Our vision is to build an expert and cutting-edge Web Designing our clients that will do the job for which it is intended to boost the bottom line.

Our Portfolio:

Tags: Ecommerce Website Design Company Bangalore | Magento Website Development Company Bangalore | Ecommerce Website SEO Services in Bangalore | SEO Bangalore| SEO

Website Dsign and Redesign Company India


Welcome to Nexevo technologies – Number 1 Website Design Company Bangalore

Are you looking for Website Redesign Services in Bangalore? Then don’t worry we are here, Nexevo Technologies is one of the Number one Responsive Web Design and Development Company in Bangalore We specialize in working with our clients to meet their website design needs at an affordable price. Whether you are looking for a website for personal use, or small to medium business use, then you simply can’t go past Nexevo Technologies.

PHP Web Design Company India

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We Offering Services

  • Web Design
  • Website Development
  • Website Redesign
  • Responsive Website Design and Development
  • Website Maintenance
  • Digital Marketing Services (SEO, SMO, SEM, ORM)

 Our Contact Details:


Nexevo Technologies

SEO Company Bangalore

Call Us: +91-888010211 / +91-9591505948

Skype: Nexevotechnologies

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What is Press Release in SEO?

What is Press Release in SEO?

A Press Release is basically an open instrument that tells clients about your organization and site. While public statements speak with clients, they additionally speak with web indexes. This implies they ought to be composed for SEO, as they will help the site to be upgraded, seen and positioned via web crawlers.

9 Things You Can Do With Digital Press Releases

9 Things You Can Do With Digital Press Releases

Including connects still directs people to a site. “Driving movement is one of the essential destinations of site SEO, as indicated by the SEMPO State of Search Report, distributed by Consultancy. It can be one of the imperative targets of public statement SEO, as well,” Jarboe said.

     => Improve the user experience.

     => Increase visibility in search and social.

     => Use press releases as inroads to more information and details on a   website.

     => Educate and inform your audience.

     => Report company news or industry data.

     => Use images and video to increase page views and attention.

     => Embed video and multimedia.

     => Create info graphic version of press release tells your story.


Nexevo Technologies is an Exceptional Website Designing Company in Bangalore. Nexevo is one of the Award Winning Web Design and Development Agency in India, with 5+ years of involvement in Web Development and Digital Marketing Company in Bangalore. Nexevo Team worked with altered start-up professional people, massive and medium scale Enterprises to make more attractive and user friendly sites to upgrade their business growth to a more elevated amount.

Being the Top Website Designing Firm Bangalore, we commonly serve our clients with most extreme respect and quality. Nexevo Technologies have a group of extraordinarily gifted Website designers and developer in Bangalore. We are chief in the field of Website Designing, Website Development, E-commerce Solutions, Graphic Designing and Digital Marketing Fields.

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