Great Website Designing Services – Nexevo Technologies

Welcome to Nexevo Technologies – Next Evolution on Web

Top Website Design and Development Company in India

Nexevo Technologies is the Fast developing Website Designing and website Development Company in Bangalore, India. Web Design Bangalore has more than 5 years of experience in the Website Designing, Web Development of working supplies for our customers in retail business. Website Designing Companies Bangalore works on changed platforms like WordPress, Joomla, Magento, Opencart, HTML5, and Drupal. Our Ecommerce Explanations are delivered and maintained by an experienced, hands-on and innovative team of ecommerce experts.

Nexevo Portfolio:

Our Services:

     => Web Design and Development

     => Website Redesign

     => Website Maintenance

     => HTML to CMS Conversion

     => PHP Website Design and Development

     => WordPress website Design

     => Joomla Website Design

     => E-Commerce Website Development

     => Digital Marketing Services

Nexevo Technologies Contact Information:

Website Design Company Bangalore

Skype: Nexevotechnologies

Call: +91-8880102111 / +91-9591505948

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What is a Content Management System (CMS)?

What is a Content Management System (CMS)?

CMS Website Design Company Bangalore

CMS remains for Content Management System. It is a term and has not been embraced with a strong definition. A CMS can have different implications relying upon the situations and the individual’s or venture destinations.

Why should you use CMS to build website?

  1. Content management and SEO optimization
  2. No technical knowledge needed
  3. Easy customization
  4. Update information easily
  5. Scalable and Upgradeable
  6. Safety and security
  7. Support service
  8. Consistency and interactive
  9. Low site maintenance and cost effective
  10. Collaboration and accessibility


Nexevo TechnologiesBangalore Web Design Company proposing CMS services to its clients keeping in view the shortcomings in traditional web development that hinders quick maintenance of your website. This is exasperating when clients cannot even make a small change and have to wait for days for maintenance. The aim of our company is to increase the effectiveness of its client’s website and give them the control necessary for website maintenance. Nexevo Technologies have best open source CMS development team that delivers such CMS solutions facilitating the clients to perform any update on content effortlessly. Our team is skilled in the following CMS platforms.

Contact Details:

Nexevo TechnologiesWeb Design and Development Company

Skype: Nexevotechnologies

Office: +91-8880102111

Call / Whatsapp: +91-9591505948


Tags: Web Designing Company | Web Development Company | Website Development Services | Website Designing Services | Website Development Agency | Website Designing Agency

Importance of CMS | Nexevotech


There are various ways how CMS (Content management System) influence the business and here are 8 different aspects by Nexevo Technologies Website Design Company about CMS.

  1. Raise Productivity – Publishing the content on the website becomes easier and proficiently as revisions and changes do not need ant coding information or visual pattern, which permits efficient and very fast updates and also saves the business money and time.
  2. Improve Ranking In Search Engine – Maintaining and improving the search engine rank assist your business to be significant and the easiest way to incorporate CMS that help in enhancing the content and continuous freshness. By doing this, one invites the involvement of forums, likes, and comments etc., which ultimately improve the ranking in search engines. An expert company like Nexevo Technologies Website Development Company have highly skilled SEO Specialist that can help in the ranking of the website. Read More

Tags: Website Designing Company Bangalore | Website Development Company Bangalore | Web Design Services Bangalore

Top 10 SEO Quotes | Nexevo Bangalore

1.“Google only loves you when everyone else loves you first.” — Wendy Piersall

2.“My rule of thumb is build a site for a user not a spider.” — Dave Naylor

3. “The objective is not to ‘make your links appear natural’; the objective is that your links are natural.” — Matt Cutts

4.“If I spent my time reporting every competitor of mine breaking a rule, that’s all I’d EVER do and my own sites would suck because they’d be getting no attention.” – Rae Hoffman

5. “Good SEO work only gets better over time. It’s only search engine tricks that need to keep changing when the ranking algorithms change.” – Jill Whalen

6. “The three essential elements of an effective SEO are effective communication, useful information and high quality backlinks.” – SEO Refugee

7. “It’s much easier to double your business by doubling your conversion rate than by doubling your traffic.” — Jeff Eisenberg

8. “Content is king, but marketing is queen, and runs the household.” – Gary Vaynerchuk

9. “You can chase whatever keywords and phrases you like, but at the end of the day it’s all about those conversions.” – Matt Webb

10.“Crawling is not a guarantee you’re indexed.”—Rand Fishkin, Moz


Tags: Nexevo Technologies | SEO | SEO Services | Digital Marketing | Web Development Company Bangalore | Best SEO Company Bangalore | Bangalore Web Design

Advantages of SEM – Nexevotech

What Is SEM?

Search Engine Marketing (SEM) is paid hunt publicizing that is done to expand your web crawler positioning and get individuals to your website. So on the off chance that you purchase Facebook publicizing or retargeting activities that is SEM. So are improved battles, Ad Words and pay-per-click/cost-per-click crusades. Contingent upon your funds, SEM can be an extraordinary approach to attract more individuals to your site, and thus, more clients to your store. In any case, the immense thing about advanced showcasing is you don’t need to do that on the off chance that you would prefer not to. SEO can get you incredible web search tool results without spending a dime.

Advantages of SEM

The greatest favorable position of Search Engine Marketing (SEM) crusades is that the outcomes are quick. Advancing your site for SEO is a procedure that could take months to begin getting results. In the event that you need your site to appear on the first page of SERP’s (Search Engine Results Page) today, then SEM would be a decent decision (no less than a decent transient decision).

Additionally, new sites by and large get “sandboxed” by Google for the initial 3 to 6 months which implies you won’t rank for the first half year. Meanwhile, running a SEM battle would be favorable.

I am not prescribing SEM over SEO. SEM compliments SEO exceptionally well. As a rule an equalization of the two components is helpful and ought to be investigated while choosing the internet showcasing procedure for your business.


Nexevo Technologies is a full service digital marketing Company in Bangalore. We’re redefining the digital agency knowledge. For more than 5 years, we’ve been creating prevailing brand experiences for our clients worldwide. Our team of 50+ marketing gurus, designers, coders, and project managers know the exact technology and the best creative approaches to get you results, fast. Creating online experiences your customers will love, your employees will rally behind, and your competitors will covet big time — that’s our approach.


  • SEM (PPC Advertising),
  • Organic SEO,
  • Content Marketing
  • Social Media Optimization (SMO & SMM),
  • Display Advertising,
  • E-Commerce,
  • Conversion optimization,
  • Marketing acquisitions,
  • Lead generation,
  • Marketing Operations,
  • Conversion Optimization

Contact Information:

Nexevo Technologies – Web Design Company Bangalore

Skype: Nexevotechnologies

Office: +91-8880102111

Call / Whatsapp: +91-9591505948


Tags: Digital Marketing Companies in Bangalore | Web Design Companies in Bangalore | Digital Marketing Company India | Best Web Design Company Bangalore | Digital marketing services Bangalore | Best Web Designing Company Bangalore

What robots txt file

web designing companies bangalore

What robots txt file

Robots.txt is a content (not html) document you put on your site to tell look robots which page you might want them not to visit. Robots.txt is in no way, shape or form compulsory for web crawlers however for the most part web indexes obey what they are requested that not do. It is critical to illuminate that robots.txt is not a route from keeping web indexes from creeping your website (i.e. it is not a firewall, or a sort of secret key security) and the way that you put a robots.txt document is something like putting a note “Kindly, don’t enter” on an opened entryway –e.g. you can’t keep criminals from coming in however the great folks won’t open to entryway and enter. That is the reason we say that in the event that you have truly sensitive information, it is excessively credulous, making it impossible to depend on robots.txt to shield it from being listed and showed in indexed list

How does it work tips from SEO Company Bangalore

Prior to an internet searcher creeps your website, it will take a gander at your robots.txt record as directions on where they are permitted to slither (visit) and file (save) on the web index results.

Robots.txt files are useful:

  • On the off chance that you need web indexes to overlook any copy pages on your site
  • On the off chance that you don’t need web indexes to file your interior list items pages
  • On the off chance that you don’t need web indexes to file certain zones of your site or an entire site
  • In the event that you don’t need web search tools to file certain records on your site (pictures, PDFs, and so on.)
  • In the event that you need to tell web indexes where your sitemap is found

How to create a robots.txt file

Tips and tricks:

  1. How to allow all search engine spiders to index all files

Utilize the accompanying substance for your robots.txt record on the off chance that you need to permit all internet searcher arachnids to file all documents of your Web webpage:

   User-agent: *


  1. How to disallow all spiders to index any file

On the off chance that you don’t need web crawlers to record any document of your Web website, utilize the accompanying:

   User-agent: *

   Disallow: /

  1. Where to find more complex examples.

On the off chance that you need to see more mind boggling illustrations, of robots.txt documents, see the robots.txt records of huge Web locales:


Nexevo Technologies is an Award winning website development company in Bangalore. Unique website designers will make stand out from your competitor’s website. We visualize your dreams with affordable cost and excellent quality. Have you deiced to outsource your projects to other company, absolutely wee fit for your requirement?  25+ team with Joomla, Magento, Ecommerce, WordPress, Open-cart, and HTML5.

Contact Information:

Nexevo Technologies – Web Design Company Bangalore

Skype: Nexevotechnologies

Office: +91-8880102111

Call / Whatsapp: +91-9591505948


Tags: Web Design Company | Web Development Company | Website Design Company | Website Development Company | Web Designing Company | Website Designing Company | Best Web Design Company

2016 Online Marketing Strategies

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As every year, they bring new software’s, hardware’s and user favourites, online market evolves very quickly. By identifying coming up latest trends, companies can stay advanced and future ready.

Being the end of 2015, your company should be ready to get benefits from the next level in 2016.

Eruption of Apps

When the google shifted its process to reward the websites that are mobile friendly, it began to use data from listed apps to search the rank. 2016 will be the milestone for business owners adopting apps. One can obtain best apps by getting connected with the Nexevotech App developers, from Nexevo Technologies Web Development Company, Bangalore.

Video ads

This is not new, but it will be more dominating in 2016. Once, when Bing and Facebook started the video option for advertising. Read More

Tags: Web Design Bangalore | Website Design Bangalore | Web Development Bangalore | Website Designers Bangalore

Why We Need Websites for Business?

8 reasons why your business NEEDS a professional website!

In the same way as other little entrepreneurs, you might trust your business can’t profit by having a site or that a site is not inside of your financial plan. On the other hand possibly you think on the grounds that you don’t utilize a PC; neither do your potential clients. These are misinterpretations. These 8 reasons show why your organization NEEDS an expert site, regardless of what size your business.


For More Information: Website Designing Companies Bangalore


Nexevo Technologies – Website Designing Company Bangalore is an award winning website design Company offering internet marketing Services to its esteemed clients with over 5+ years of expertise. Our qualitative service, method and constant support have made us achieve targets of the clients on time with affordable solutions. Our vision and mission is to put on 100% efforts in making client’s dream into reality with rapid, reliable and cost-effective services. We will never compromise on quality and as usual our websites will always be creative, easy-to-use and search engine friendly.

Tags: Website Design Bangalore | Website designers Bangalore | Best Web Designing Bangalore | Web Designing Agency Bangalore | Best Web Design Agency Bangalore | Bangalore Web Development Company | Web Development Company in Bangalore | Web design company in Bangalore

affordable website development Services

Top Web Designers in Bangalore | Nexevo Technologies

Nexevo Technologies is the Top Website Development Company India since 2012. We offer a complete variety of Website Development, includes Corporate Web Site, Flash Productions, Web Hosting, Online Marketing, Search Engine Optimization and e-Commerce Solutions. We have extended our hands across the globe in providing the World Class solutions to the clients in Website Development and Designing.

Visit My Portfolio:

Amongst many competitors in the field of Website Development We strives hard to excel well in its project. Most of our clients have been with us for years and keep coming back for more. We are very proud of being a customer-oriented design company, and we nurture all our business relationships with great care & love.

Nexevo Technologies Offering Services are:

  1. Website Design & Development
  2. Website Redesigning
  3. Joomla web Development
  4. WordPress web Development
  5. HTML5 & Responsive website Development
  6. Drupal Website Development
  7. Magento Website Development
  8. Ecommerce Website Development
  9. SEO Services (All Website)
  10. SEM Services

Contact Information:

Nexevo Technologies – Web Design Company Bangalore

Skype: Nexevotechnologies

Office: +91-8880102111

Call / Whatsapp: +91-9591505948


Tags: Website Design Company | Web Development Company | Website Designing Company | Website Development Company | Website Designers Bangalore | Web Developers Bangalore

How to increase the YouTube video views

How to increase the YouTube video views

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With more than 30 million visits day by day, neglecting the force of YouTube as a promoting apparatus is certainly a terrible thought. Then again, with more than 100 hours of video posted each moment, the five-minute video that you post once consistently or, best case scenario week after week can without much of a stretch wind up being covered somewhere down in the numerous recordings distributed inside of the period, which implies that your video may effectively not get to the general population that you focused in any case.

Each YouTube client most likely comprehends that the more perspectives your video has, the more perspectives it will pull in and the higher it will rank for a specific catchphrase and the higher the discussions. Things being what they are, how would you get the numerous perspectives so you can determine every one of the advantages that accompany YouTube promoting? Here are my 8 tips that will help your YouTube video sees quickly

9 Free Ways Increase YouTube Video Views

  1. Highlight it on your YouTube page
  2. Pick a decent thumbnail.
  3. Make your title short and fascinating
  4. Pick labels that will be useful for SEO.
  5. Compose a decent video depiction.
  6. Exploit the not-for-profit
  7. Transfer a transcript of your video in English and Spanish.
  8. Post early and regularly.
  9. Include a light box or pop-up on your site.



Nexevo Technologies is a data-driven, ROI-focused, full-service internet marketing agency and Web Design Company in Bangalore. Nexevo Technologies has been named one of the fastest growing private companies in the nation the last four years in a row by the respected Inc. 500 list and the San Diego Business Journal.

Nexevo Technologies offers combined online strategies that achieve the success goals of our clients. We will find the most effective digital marketing mix that will quickly produce results. Digital Marketing Company Bangalore team is highly accomplished in SEO, data analysis, social media, SEM, email marketing, design and development, online reputation management, content creation, public relations and affiliate marketing.

Our Contact Details:

Nexevo Technologies – Digital Marketing Services Bangalore

Skype: Nexevotechnologies

Office: +91-8880102111

Call / Whatsapp: +91-9591505948


Tags: Internet Marketing Company Bangalore | Online Marketing Company Bangalore | Digital Marketing Companies Bangalore | Website Design Company Bangalore | SEO Company Bangalore