Nexevo Technologies Magento Web Design

Welcome to the Nexevo Technologies, It’s Award winning Magento Web Design and Development Company in Bangalore.

What is Magento?

Magento is extraordinary programming that assists retailers with selling their items on the web. It is an element rich, open-source ecommerce answer for help the dealers with the configuration, substance taking care of and usefulness of their e-business site. It was created by Varian (now Magento Inc.) with an in number backing from software engineers inside of the open source group.


What are the advantages of Magento for creating E-commerce websites?

Magento is an open source e-business web application, taking into account Send Framework, and is a standout amongst the best stages for making E-trade sites. It to a great extent uses PHP, which implies that it is perfect with almost all coding dialect.

It likewise offers extra components, for example, Entity trait worth model. This includes a great deal the comfort element of the individual accountable for the organization of the E-business site. The upkeep expenses are low, and it’s anything but difficult to make a site with an engaging standpoint. One of the principle calculates that make Magento based shopping sites, simple to use, from the planned of the proprietor, is their absence of need to introduce additional modules for specific operations

Top 10 advantages of the Magento-CRM integration

  1. Simple Integration
  2. Front-end for Multiple Stores
  3. Programmed Data Synchronization
  4. Better Data Management
  5. Bi-directional Synchronization
  6. Constant Information Sharing
  7. In-store Data Sharing
  8. Upgraded User Experience
  9. Better Customer Engagement
  10. Enhanced Customer Service

Who We Are:

Nexevo Technologies is a Best Magento Website Development company in Bangalore, INDIA with strong focus towards developing website design, dynamic website development, e-commerce web design and development, php website design and development, WordPress website development, seo and mobile applications for all platforms. In simple words we are a one stop shop for all your web development needs.

Magento Website Design Company India identify that each client is different. Our extremely skilled team of in-house IT professionals takes the time to realize your business and propose the most considered and effective way forward. Magento Design Company Bangalore work closely with you at every stage of the software development life cycle to deliver the best possible results for your business on time and within budget.

Magento Web Development Services:

-> Magento Website Design

-> Magento Website Development

-> Magento Theme Customization

-> E-Commerce website Development

-> E-Commerce Website Maintenance

-> E-Commerce Website SEO Services

-> E-Commerce Website Branding

-> Magento Websites Online Marketing

Magento Website Designing Services Company Bangalore gives our important administrations at moderate costs as befitting your desire with in your financial plan. Give us a chance to today about your needs, prerequisites and thoughts and we will make your fantasy site that ought to be an extraordinary resource for your business

Our Contact Information:

Nexevo Technologies – Website Design Company Bangalore

SEO Company Bangalore

Call US: +91-8880102111 / +91-9591505948

Skype: Nexevotechnologies

Mail To:

Top 10 SEO Tips for Your Website

Top 10 SEO Tips for Your Website

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) in simple form is adjusting your website so search engines and users alike can easily consume the content you produce.

  1. Brand the website about one thing.
  1. Reference keywords where they stuff most.
  1. Link to internal pages on your site.
  1. Use a permalink structure that includes keywords.
  1. Remove anything that slows down your website.
  1. Use keywords in your images.
  1. Link to other websites with relevant content.
  1. Update your website frequently.
  1. Make sure your website is indexed in search engines.
  1. Stop changing your domain name.

If you want more information click this link:

Our Related Keywords:

SEO Services Companies in Bangalore | SEO Services Company | SEO Services Company in Bangalore | SEO companies Bangalore

Importance of SEO for Business

Importance of SEO for Business – Tips From Nexevo Technologies

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Website improvement, or SEO as it’s all the more generally known, is a standout amongst the most misconstrued and misjudged terms in the realm of promoting. While SEO has been painted as some kind of mystery that requires personal information of the Internet, at its center it is a promoting device. SEO’s out of line portrayal as some sort of voodoo over the previous decade has created numerous generally astute representatives to depreciate its significance as a major aspect of a decent, strong promoting arrangement for little, medium sized, and expansive organizations.

SEO is good for Business Visibility and Branding

Getting found in a swarmed business sector is a test for some little organizations. By selecting and actualizing a couple, centered web showcasing exercises that convey results, you can increment online deceivability and be found by your optimal clients. Keep in mind that showcasing is a venture, not a cost; in this manner you must contribute carefully to accomplish the best ROI. Nexevo Technologies is the one of the best website branding company in Bangalore. If you are looking for website branding company you can contact with Nexevo Technologies Websites Promotion Company Bangalore

SEO Provides Credibility for Your Business

SEO employment is to make your site be dependably on the top so that when the clients attempt to hunt down an individual item and administrations they require, they will discover yours and may benefit them. On the off chance that these case will dependably happen, you are rest guaranteed that your business is known. The more you top in each web crawler, the more noteworthy the likelihood that you will discover in your costumers their trust in your organization. That what makes your business sounder, for that case, they may not pay special mind to some other site to figure out what they require on the grounds that your items and administrations are as of now tried and demonstrated?

SEO Brings Your Business Traffic

There are a considerable measure of components that impact the measure of movement a site gets, as well as how drawn in its clients seem to be. In this post we’ll investigate one of the numerous systems we use to comprehend a site’s movement..

For Information: SEO Services Bangalore

SEO Has One of the Best ROI’s in Advertising

PPC is a standout amongst the most beneficial promoting and showcasing channels. This perspective is shared by most online advertisers, who in 2007, as per Marketing Sherpa, positioned PPC and email showcasing as the two channels with the most elevated ROI.

For More Information: PPC Services in Bangalore

Who We Are:

Nexevo Technologies is the Best SEO Company in Bangalore, India. Specifying in SEO Services, SEM Services, and SMO Services. The SEO Company affords professional help & conferences, encouraging all of our clients to understand the implications of their website design and content. Nexevo Technologies work with in-house staff or outsourced Web Designers Bangalore to improve search engine presence by providing the experience and knowledge to optimize a website for maximum traffic.

OUR Services:

-> SEO Services

-> Social Media Marketing Services

-> Pay Per Click Marketing Services

-> Digital Marketing Services

-> Hotel Websites Digital Marketing

-> Hospital Website

-> Online Reputation Management

-> Ecommerce SEO Services

-> Website Branding

-> Real Estate SEO

-> Educational Websites Seo Services

-> Drupal Websites Seo Services

-> Joomla Websites Seo Services

-> Travel Portal Seo Services

-> WordPress Websites SEO Services

Nexevo another Services:

Nexevo Technologies is the Great Website Designing Company in Bangalore, India. Nexevo Technologies have more than 5 years of experience in the Website Design, Website Development of working supplies for our customers in retail business. Web Design Company Bangalore work on changed platforms like WordPress, Joomla, Megento, Opencart, HTML5, and Drupal. Our Ecommerce Explanations are delivered and maintained by an experienced, hands-on and innovative team of ecommerce experts.

-> Website Design

-> Website Development

-> Website Redesign

-> Joomla Web Development

-> WordPress web Development

-> HTML5 Development

-> Drupal Website Design

-> Ecommerce Website Design, Development

-> SEO Services for All websites

Our Contact Details:

Nexevo Technologies – Website Designing Services Bangalore

SEO Experts Bangalore

Call US: +91-8880102111 / +91-9591505948

Mail To:

Skype: Nexevotechnologies



For More Information About Importance of SEO Click This Link:


3 Types Keywords Needed for Successful SEO

Best SEO Services Bangalore | Best SEO Company Bangalore 

What is Keywords?

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Your SEO watchwords are the catchphrases and expressions in your web content that make it workable for individuals to discover your website through internet searchers. A site that is very much enhanced for web indexes “talks the same dialect” as its potential guest base with catchphrases for SEO that associate searchers to your webpage.

Types of Keywords

Theree types of keywords:
1. Generic Keywords
2. Broad Match Keywords
3. Long Tail Keywords

1. Generic Keywords


SEO Tips Keyword Research Service For Local Business

Generic keywords are searchable or identifiable words that have meanings that have a relatively wide scope. Generic keywords tend to produce a relatively large number of matches and tend to have a higher cost. Generic keywords can have a much lower conversion rate due to their wide scope of meaning.

2. Broad Match Keywords


Expansive match lets a watchword trigger your notice to indicate at whatever point somebody hunt down that expression, comparative expressions, particular or plural structures, incorrect spellings, equivalent words, stemmings, (for example, floor and ground surface), related pursuits, and other pertinent varieties.

3. Long Tail Keywords

SEO Tips Keyword Research Service For Local Business

SEO Tips Keyword Research Service For Local Business

Long tail catchphrases are those three and four watchword phrases which are, particular to whatever you are offering. Whenever a client uses a very particular search query, they have a tendency to be searching for precisely what they are really going to purchase.

Professional SEO Services Bangalore | SEO Company Bangalore | SEO Bangalore

How to find out the Website Responsive or Not…

Welcome to Nexevo Technologies – Next Evolution on Web

Nexevo Technologies is the Best Website Design Company in Bangalore

Web Design Bangalore | Web Development Bangalore | Web Design Company in Bangalore

 How to find out the Website Responsive or Not…

Companions today i am going to examine with the most critical subject of web vicinity, Yes I am discussing the versatile inviting site. We have created regular new sites and web journals yet we don’t have a clue about that is solid for each web crawler furthermore for portable. So today we think about that

What is responsive sort of site and how to watch that our site is responsive or not?

Responsive Design is implied just for portable neighborly and snappy to reaction.

Portable Friendly website checker Tools- –

In today’s on Google and other web search tools there is loads of versatile amicable site checker apparatuses accessible yet the things is what device is most essential for us and which instrument is dependable. So Google likewise made a Tool for tackling this sort of Problems.

You will then read either: “Wonderful! This page is portable inviting.”, or “Not versatile benevolent”. In the event that your site falls flat the test, the instrument will let you know why. Samples of issues are:

  1. Content too little to peruse
  2. Versatile viewport not set
  3. Content more extensive than screen
  4. Connections excessively near one another

Various stages are suggested by Google for making new destinations, Like WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, Blogger, Magento, and Google Sites. Google has likewise made aides for how to make your

Site portable cordial on all these product stages – all of which i have composed here:

Google underlines the significance of moving down your site before rolling out any improvements, guaranteeing you have had the most recent adaptation of your CMS, watching that your subjects are portable cordial and perusing discussions identified with your CMS to check what normal issues kindred clients are experiencing.

From the administrator board of your CMS, hunt important documentation down terms like “responsive” and “portable”, and enter the URL of any demo layout into the Google versatile benevolent test instrument. Likewise, it is prescribed that you utilize Page Speed Insights to check page speed for all gadgets. Address any issues named “ought to settle

Evolution of Web Design Technologies


Best Web Design Company Bangalore

Specific Statistics about SEO and Website Design

  1. 4 SEO Benefits of Responsive Web Design

Responsive diagram is a web design and change methodology that makes a site or structure that reacts to the compass of a customer’s screen. Responsive Website Design Bangalore will propel a customer’s making to output learning a versatile and responsive site page, enhanced for the device that is getting to it….Read more

  1. Top 10 Tips to Increase Page Rank in your Website

Page Rank is a backlink enquiry algorithm which is used by search engines to regulate relative significance of your link within their database. Here Website Design Company Bangalore tells you how to increase page rank….Read more

  1. Why use Magento for E-commerce?

Magento may well be an adaptable ecommerce stage with more than 240,000 entrepreneur clients around the world. With an assortment of fantastic decisions and a great many augmentations, you will be prepared to watch out Magento are wanting to be the right decision for your business…Read More

  1. Difference between Joomla and WordPress

Utmost of the societies are still only conversation about WordPress and Joomla as best Open source CMS (Content Management Systems). These organizations will be considered through genuine understanding. Web Design Company Bangalore can investigate the major differences between these Joomla and WordPress…..Read More

  1. Strategies of Responsive Website Design and Development

Responsive Website Design is a website design system planned at developing sites to deliver an ideal viewing awareness, easy reading and steering. The clarifications for using responsive website design have a lot to do with mobile plans, but Responsive Website Design Bangalore is not just about mobile…Read More


  1. Why a Create the Websites and importance of website Creation

Website is the kind with the most benefits. The essential difference between a decent site and a compelling one, other than benefit, is that it expects the needs of the client/guest and addresses those issues. Unexpectedly, these are uncommon. Most sites attempt to “offer” as opposed to address the needs of the guest. Powerful sites oblige all the more arranging and push to make, yet the prizes are justified, despite all the trouble…Read More

  1. Best to way generate the Business SEO or PPC?

he search engines are to be attracted by the ecommerce puts aiming to get a good status and contact to a wider circulation. The organic seo plans help in this regard. Getting a good site and a thrust to advanced content marketing can positively fetch such sites to the limelight….Read More

  1. 12 Steps for Create the WordPress SEO Friendly Website

Nexevo Technologies is the qualified Website Development Company in Bangalore and it has focused in developing the convention website designs as well the convention works development. Nexevo Technologies is the icon for flexibility. Our competently skilled designers have designed websites of changed kinds and forms….Read More

  1. Why create a Website

There are an assortment of reasons why you might need to make a site. Numerous individuals need to give an enlightening asset that they trust will individuals who have comparable hobbies to themselves. Their experience and information direct the making of supportive substance. Other individuals basically appreciate composing and some utilization online journals as an outlet for their inventive expression…Read More

  1. 7 Steps to Choose the Best Web Design Company

There are many web designing companies throughout the globe and it is difficult to choose the best web design company for your business and to make sure you choose the best Web Designing Company; we recommend 7 steps in choosing the best Web Design And Development Company……….Read More

Evolution of Website Design Technologies

Evolution of Website Design Technologies

From the very establishment of 1990’s, website designers have been trying out new methods and experiments to change the look of the website. Earlier, the websites were completely text-based, fewer images and no original layout other than articles and headlines. Now, the website design technology has been progressed, bringing us the flash, table-based designs and CSS-based designs.

web development company bangalore

The Nexevo Technologies – Web Design Company Bangalore is emergent company in the website design industry, where the web is the up-and-coming universe of inserted web applications and web pages, crowded with snapshots, cooperating content and videos. The average user will never know the interplay of web technology and how the browsers make all this possible.

Web technologies at Nexevo Technologies Company have grown to give the Website Developers Bangalore the power to bring in new generations of immersive and useful web practice. We are the result of the constant work of an open community, which has help to give definition to web technologies like CSS3, HTML5, and WebGL that are supported by all web browsers. The world of technology has advanced at an extremely surprising speed, and website design being one of the favorites. With all the constant enhancements, always developing and persistent initiatives taken at the boundaries of imagination bring us a list of the Evolution of Web Design Technology, which has been a fruition in a very short time.

  • Text Based Era – Websites Appears Like Documents.
  • 1990 – Basics of Web Design (WWW – World Wide Web), and HTML (The First Markup Language).
  • 1991 – First Website Ever (Setup of Server and Creation of Webpage).
  • 1994 – The (W3C) World Wide Web Consortium and Flash Era Started.
  • 1995 – JavaScript Scripting Language Was Created For The Netscape Navigator Browser.
  • 1996 – Flash (Future Wave Software), CSS, And Frame Works.
  • 1998 – PHP 3 Was Created Allowing To Develop Dynamic Websites, CSS Era Started.
  • 2000 – Internet Explorer 5 (Supported 99% Of CSS), JavaScript Era Started.
  • 2003 – 2006 – Web 2.0 – AJAX – JQuery – Mobile Era.
  • 2010 – HTML 5 That Supported Latest Multimedia.
  • 2012 – Responsive Web Design That Has become the Reality with the Mobile Web Development and Cost-Effective Alternatives.

Our team of Nexevo Technologies – Website Designers Bangalore is up-to-date and always ready to give any web advancement activity required to boost the website experience for the customers.

Who We Are:

Nexevo Technologies is one of the Number 1 Web Design Company in Bangalore, we have done several websites with huge functionality on low cost, and our developer has a good knowledge on current trending technologies. We have +1000 client in all over worldwide, we also train our developer higher depend upon the current trending web design technologies. And also release one product for Joomla user like Extension Click Here to view. And also we have planned to release more extension for different Kind of CMS and PHP Frameworks in future.

Our Services:

  • HTML5 Website Development
  • PHP Web Design
  • CMS Website Development
  • WordPress Website Development
  • Joomla Website Design
  • Magento Website Design
  • Ecommerce Website Design
  • Website Redesign Services
  • Responsive Website Design and Redesign
  • Website Maintenance Services
  • Payment Gateway Integration Services
  • Opencart Website Development
  • HTML To CMS Conversion Services
  • Unique Website Designing Services
  • Mobile Apps Development
  • SEO Company Bangalore
  • Social Media Marketing Services
  • Pay Per Click Marketing
  • Digital Marketing
  • Online Reputation Management Services
  • SEO copywriting Services
  • Ecommerce SEO Services
  • Website Branding Services

Our Contact:

Nexevo Technologies – Web Development Company Bangalore

SEO Services Bangalore

Call US: +91-8880102111 / 9591505948

Mail To:

Skype: Nexevotechnologies

Our Media: Google+ | Facebook | Twitter | LinkedIn | Pinterest

Why use Magento for E-commerce Websites?

Welcome to Nexevo Technologies – No1 Website Design Company Bangalore

What is Magento?

Magento may well be an adaptable ecommerce stage with more than 240,000 entrepreneur clients around the world. With an assortment of fantastic decisions and a great many augmentations, you will be prepared to watch out Magento are wanting to be the right decision for your business.

Why use Magento for E-commerce Websites?

1.) Integration

Magento is anything but difficult to incorporate with a number of the outsider destinations expected to run a powerful Ecommerce Website Designing Bangalore, including, Google, Constant Contact, open-source databases like MySQL, all significant installment doors, and delivery administrations like FedEx and UPS.

2.) Special tools and features.

Magento is an especially include rich stage, offering numerous particular instruments that different stages need. Among different focal points, Magento accompanies manufactured in SEO (site improvement) components, perceives universal monetary standards and redesigns cash rates live, gives you internet advertising instruments, permits purchasers to rate and survey your items or keep lists of things to get, and significantly more Detail’s Visit My Website : Magento Web Design Company Bangalore


3.) Multi-store capacity.

Not at all like most different stages out there, doesn’t Magento restrict you to utilizing a solitary online store. Rather, you have the capacity to run different stores from the same backend interface, with the greater part of the data for the greater part of your stores accessible on the same administrator board.

4.) Easy customization.

As opposed to needing to utilize standard layouts, as you do with numerous other advancement administrations, Magento takes into account a high level of engineer customization. Accordingly, it’s much less demanding to build up an one of a kind and essential web vicinity for your business.

5.) Innovation.

As one of the more current ecommerce shopping basket stages available, Magento offers clear changes over its forerunners, yet the advancement doesn’t stop there. As an open-source stage, Magento is additionally upgraded consistently by architects, which implies you’ll persistently get new components and rapid bug fixes, and bolster from the bigger Magento web group.

Who We Are:

Nexevo Technologies is one of the Best professional Ecommerce Website Design Agency Bangalore, India. With 5 years envelopment in IT Development industry. Our website development company projects encourage influences your business finishing and show signs of improvement marks from your promotion. Web Design Company Bangalore is completely organized regarding foundation and HR to handle an extensive variety of corporate correspondence needs.

Visit My Portfolio:


Our Services:

  • Magento Website Design
  • Magento Website Development
  • Magento Theme Customization
  • E-Commerce website Development
  • E-Commerce Website Maintenance
  • Magento and E commerce Website SEO Services

Contact Information:

Nexevo Technologies – Best E commerce Website Design Company Bangalore

Web Design Company Bangalore

SEO Services Bangalore

Call Us: +91-8880102111 / +91-9591505948

Mail To:

Skype: Nexevotechnologies

PSD to Joomla Conversion Services Bangalore

Welcome to Nexevo Technologies…Next Evolution on Web…


Nexevo Technologies is one of the Best Joomla website design company in Bangalore, we have finished many website with massive functionality on low charge, and our developer has a respectable knowledge on current trending technologies. We have +1000 client in all over worldwide, Web Design Company Bangalore – Nexevo Technologies also train our developer higher be subject to upon the current trending web design technologies. And also release one product for Joomla user like Joomla Extension. And also we have planned to release more extension for different Kind of CMS and PHP Frameworks in future.

Our Clients:

Our Services:

  1. Joomla Extension Development
  2. Joomla Module Development
  3. Joomla Component Development
  4. Joomla Website Development
  5. Joomla Website Design
  6. PSD to Joomla Conversion
  7. HTML to Joomla Conversion
  8. Joomla Website Maintenance
  9. Joomla Redesigning
  10. Joomla Application Development
  11. Joomla Website SEO and SMO Services

Contact Information:

Nexevo Technologies – Joomla Developers in Bangalore

Web Design Company Bangalore

SEO Company in Bangalore

Call Us: +91-8880102111 / 9591505948

Email to:

Skype: Nexevotechnoloiges

Our Keywords: HTML To CMS Conversion Services Bangalore | Unique Web Designing Company Bangalore | Mobile Apps Development in Bangalore | Payment Gateway Integration Services Bangalore

4 SEO Benefits of Responsive Web Design

What is Responsive Web Design?

Responsive diagram is a web design and change methodology that makes a site or structure that reacts to the compass of a customer’s screen. Responsive Website Design Bangalore will propel a customer’s making to output learning a versatile and responsive site page, enhanced for the device that is getting to it.

4 SEO Benefits of Responsive Web Design

  1. Mobile-Responsive Websites are Favored By Google

By the day’s end what this infers that to ensure your webpage is redesigned in the best way for mobiles and for web file dreadful little creatures, Responsive Website Services is the best way to deal with go. The above association in like manner gives a nice depiction of what a responsive site is, yet it doesn’t go into the precise reasons in the matter of why it satisfies Google so.

  1. Better Linking and Ranking

Google gives genuinely high criticalness to customer experience and responsive destinations meet this principle. Responsive locales, paying little respect to the contraptions used to get to it, don’t show up excessively broad or too little on the screen and are definitely not hard to investigate. If Google sends a mobile phone customer to a site that is proposed only for Desktop and not for diverse contraptions it won’t be a respectable customer affair and Google can’t remain to lose its clients in light of the way that some individual couldn’t diagram a better than average site.

  1. Lower Bounce Rate and Load Time

Most site proprietors need to deal with the focusing on issue of skip rates; however this isn’t calamitous, it can at present overlook you pulling your hair in disappointment. What you need to grasp as a site proprietor may be, it is a sign that something is out of request and that some piece of your site needs settling. Here are several tips to diminish your site’s skip rate:

  1. Spare time and cost on versatile improvement

A crucial point of preference of accepting a responsive layout is that it requires fewer ventures than making an additional stay lone convenient site, which has been the standard system. Testing over different destinations similarly extends your headway, sponsorship and bolster overhead. As styles are re-used and overhauled by device government endorsed testing systems can moreover be used.

About My Organizations:

Nexevo Technologies is a Website Development Companies in Bangalore, offers inventive web outline, movement and SEO web propelling at refreshingly direct rates. Experience the upsides of business portion driving web limit and watchfulness went on with the individual client association of a little affiliation. No web course of action errand is too much tremendous or too little for us at Nexevo Technologies.

Our Clients:

We offer each customer a serious amount of associations recalling the choosing goal to meet the vast majority of your web game plan and change needs. From reach booking and selection, site empowering, the partition to custom HTML and Flash page graph, e-trade and web shopping answers for backend specific support, the social affair at Website Design Services in Bangalore is prepared to help you with upgrading your online area and general business along these lines.

Our Offering Services:

  • Website Design and Development
  • Responsive Website Design and Redesign Services
  • Website Maintenance Solutions
  • E-Commerce Website Solutions
  • SEO Services for All Kind of Websites
  • Online Reputation Services
  • Website Branding Services

Our Contact Details:

Nexevo Technologies

Website Design Companies Bangalore

SEO Agencies in Bangalore

Call Us: +91-8880102111 / +91–9591505948

Skype: Nexevotechnologies

Email To:

Our Related Keywords: HTML5 Development Company India | PHP developers in Bangalore | WordPress Website Development Company Bangalore